Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why is losing weight harder when you have already shed a lot of pounds? -

HI everyone! c;I m a female, 19 yrs of age, 5 3 in height. I decided to lose weight last January 2008 for a lot of reasons one could imagine.Sad to say, I m having a hard time now to lose weight.I plan to lose a total of 100 lbs or be in around 110-120 lbs by June, but I lost my motivation because I m really having a hard time and sometimes I already feel comfortable because of the compliments I receive.Here s my record:Heaviest Weight: Jan1 2008- 210 lbsBy Jan 31- 200 lbs (by mere counting of calorie intake)By Feb 28- 190 lbs (diet and swimming thrice a week)By Mar 30- 180 lbs (also by swimming and diet)Month of April- (I stopped swimming because of busy schedule but I managed to maintain my weight)May 1- May 30-170 lbs (1st month at the gym- everyday workout)June 1- July 30- 160 lbs (still at the gym)Aug 1-Aug 30- 150 lbs (stress at school and diet) (I stopped working out at the gym because of busy schedule and when I have free time, I found it boring and it seems that it s not already effective)Oct 1 to Nov 15 (no work-out but maintained weight)Nov 15 up to this date- (jogging every other day and diet yet it seems of little help) I ve done all of these without taking pills, all because of discipline but I have to admit that I cheated myself a lot of times.Please help me to get my motivation back.Please also give me recommendations on how to continue this weight loss program. I m really confused and I need advices.You re help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Seriously, you just inspired me! I m 23 but same weight you were before you decided to do something about it. As for your question, I can only assume that you hit a plateau or did not change up your calorie intake. Try to see how many calories you should be taking in plus they ll tell you how much exercise you need based on your lifestyle. The first answer is pretty good too. Good luck! Thanks for the inspiration!

wow i think u have done a fab job of losing all those pounds. sometimes it gets tough esp when u hit a platue. just keep at it. take support from a professional. tyr and alter your exercise routine and try something new maybe dancing. keep the motivation up u have earned this result with all the work throughout the year.