Sunday, June 11, 2006

Healthy weight loss for teen? -

145 foot 7grade 9 159/161 ish lbs(weight fluctuates)want to start next school year a newer confident ME!!so my question iswhat is a SAFE way for me to loose the weight and keep it off??i want to weight 130 by july 30 but by the latest august 30this this a good goal??thanks alotp.s i started gaining weight in grade 3now i have stretch markswhat should i use besides bio-oilthankyou

whatever you do dont stop eating!!portionalize (eat less but follow food guide)take pop an chocolate and chips out of your vocabulary for afew monthsDIETING is the #2 reason for girls getting fat-- because the definition of diet is pretty much depriving your body from nuitrients because when u diet you change youhabbits for a short time, when you loose the desired weight you start to slowly goback to ur old routines, then your body will go into shock or survival mode and put on pounds, normally more pounds then u startwd what i am saying is DONT diet make new healthy life changeto some it upPORTIONALIZEtake pop chips and chovolate outta vocabexersise 10 min cardio a day ( as you get use to exersising add time) AFTER you loose desired weight still portionalize, and eat those junk foods as little as possibleexersice 1-2 a week(10 mins or more))UH OHnow u lost all that weight andyou still have abit of a jelly bellywell no problemodo toning exersises 1-2 a week targeting thighs,stomach and arms now when your body is readt for that bathing suit, you still need to keep exersing and eating welljust in case you wondering what the #1 reason of weight gain ishere itis puverty girls starthng at age 10 can gain anywhere from 10-45 pounds for no reason besides maturing:)

Hi there, I too got stretch marks when i started weight lifting. They were too thick that very much prominent too. But then i searched on the net and found and now i don t have any stretch marks at all. I highly recommend you to use and the best part is that they are providing ONE MONTH FREE TRIAL these days so you have the opportunity to grab it right now too. Good Luck.

The pattern for losing weight is simple - eat less and move more often - the problems arise when we really try to put that into operation! There are a lot of opportunities to fail in the big wide world don t you think?! The one method which really delivered for me was green tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a limited number of free trials remaining, it has been featured in Fox News and CNN. I shed twenty five pounds, it really does produce success!

Benn hangin the same bacon on the pan. I have found the if you eat more sal then you achieve the factor of lossing weight.

exercise and drink water. Vitamin e might help with the stretch marks i know it helps with scars.

you could just stop eating.. solves everything.