Sunday, June 11, 2006

Losing weight, feeling not so great!? -

I delivered my 3rd baby (in 4 years!), just 5 months ago. On my delivery day I weighed in at 308 sickening pounds. In January, I officially started a weight loss program and today I weigh 249 pounds. I m eating 1200 quality calories per day (lots of fruits, veges, lean meats, fish, brown rice, etc). I try to exercise at least 3 times per week for 30-45 min. at a time (walking mostly). I take a multivitamin, and depite the fact that I have 3 kids, I am sleeping through the night. I don t feel hungry depite the 1200 calories, but I just feel sick. I get colds more frequently, my hair is falling out in mass quantities, and I feel lethargic. I have not been to my doctor yet, I was going to take a wait and see approach to see if I improved. Any suggestions on what else I can do? *Serious replies only please*

I do know that after I had my son it was like a year before I was really myself. It sounds like you may need to eat more calories a day. The more you weigh, the more calories your body needs. then you just adjust down as you lose. I think you really should talk to your doctor and see if there isn t anything else causing these symptoms and find out what s the correct amount of calories that you need. I do weight watchers and it s very healthy. You may want to consider something like this. I think most docs reccomend it anyway. I know it s hard but keep trying, the rewards are sooo worth it.

losing that much weight in that short of time is hard on ones body, you should actually be eating more calories for your weight, and if your full on only that many, you should be taking a stronger multivitamin, you may not need to go see the doctor, just call your doc up, tell him/her what is going on, and they may perscribe you a much stronger are only eating the amount of calories that someone who weighs 150lbs needs, thats probably why you are feeling awful and your amune system is crashing

It sounds like you have a healthy diet and active lifestyle. I would be very concerned about the hair loss. I don t think you should wait any longer. Go see your doctor right away. This may have nothing to do with your weight loss. You could have a serious health problem. Please see your doctor now.

This site offers a free E-book on how to lose weight. It s been a great help for me, maybe it can help you as well?

Definitely speak to your doctor. It could be a number of things. Stress is big cause of hair loss. You could even have post pardon depression. Post pardon can creep in slowly and cause lots of problems. Depression after delivery doesn t always mean not wanting to be a mom or not wanting to spend time with them. It can manifest itself in other ways. Please get yourself check out and tell the doctor everything.

1200 calories a day is not enough...(this is border line of starvation) with your life style 3 baby, exercising + the everyday workout you don t even know you are doing...I think your body is telling you that he need more fuel and that s why your getting sick more often. My advice is if you want to weight around let said 160 pounds then you need 1600 calories a/day...if you like to be 130 pounds they you need 1300 calories a/day!! But Please don t stay on 1200 calories even if the Diet you are on tell you so!! For you hair don t worry...after my 2 baby it took me 3 years for my hair to go back to normal! Hope this helped!!

Hmm, well im not sure whether il be much help since im 13, but il try :)Maybe your feeling wierd because youve lost ALL THAT WEIGHT in 2 months ?Are you sure doing this healthilyy ?I think you should see your doctor :)xx