Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cancer and losing weight? -

There is a patient I know who is on a weight loss program, this person previously had breast cancer, also had chemo. she lost weight then gained, and is now trying to lose the weight on this program.however she is losing weight but slowly, slower than the other patients. She is so frustrated, Im not sure what to tell her.Is this slow weight loss because of her previous cancer and /or treament????

People s metabolism slows down as they age, and also she was likely inactive when she was undergoing chemo.She needs to exercise if she is not already, and if she is, she needs to exercise more. Probably her slow rate of weight loss is because she her metabolism is slow, not because of the cancer or treatment.DK

Cancer and its treatment can seriously alter metabolism. Especially so if her treatment involved any kind of hormones or steroids. Also especially if her hormone levels are different now (is she in menapause now, things like that). (My treatment seriously screwed my metabolism, I am still on steroids, and I am now in premature ovarian failure which, of course, effects my metabolism)She should keep in mind that it is not healthy to loose more than 2 pounds a week. My doc has recommended that I not loose more than 1 pound a week. Weight loss takes time. That is why it is soooo hard for over weight and obese people to loose the weight. To loose weight healthily, she should at the very least take as much time loosing as it took her to gain. Because of metabolic changes, she should expect to take longer to loose than it did to gain.You mention her diet, but not her exercise regimen. Weight loss cannot be acheived with diet alone, exercise must be a part of the program.

This information may help you :Typhonium Plus - Alternative Cancer Treatment As a natural supplement may help to combat cancer/tumor and stimulate anti body. Typhonium Plus may help to cure breast, colon, rectum, liver, prostate, leukemia and cervical cancer. Cancer is not one specific disease. It is a process that can affect any organ of the body. A healthy human body consists of normal growing cells which carry out the life processes in a normal and orderly manner. A normal living cell can, for various unfortunate reasons, turn abnormal or cancerous. It multiplies in the body rapidly and excessively, forming a group of cells of uncontrollable growth resulting in a swelling. Then the abnormal cells break up and invade adjacent tissues and organs and destroy them. With each hectic, uncontrolled and disordered cell growth, the body?s energies are misused and wasted. If this continues unchecked, death can occur. Typhonium flagelliforme / Keladi Tikus is a herbal plant grows in East Asia as traditional medicine to combat cancer.

She might be losing Weight