Friday, July 14, 2006

What are some good work out routines and weight loss tips for a 16 year old male? -

I m a 16 year old male and I am about 6foot 2 and weight around 185-190lbs. I was wondering what a good work out routine I can start and any good weight loss tips?

I highly recommend you my diet way. It works fast and easy. If you are really serious about losing weight. You should have a look diet correct way. It will work for you if you do it correct. I lost 20 pounds in 35 days with this way. You can get more information from link below.

One of my friend suggested me Acai berry and it really helped me to lose weight easily.It also lowered my cholesterol level. As it is rich in anti oxidants it helps to get a glowing skin.It is free from side effects as it is a natural palm fruit.

Just get into the habit of swimming every day or two and stick to it.Also for a normal (non drastic) diet that works you might want to see:http://www.bestinternetfind.solutionsart��

Eat little, burn a lot!be good

Ten Changes You Can Make to Your Diet to Start Losing Weight is an article on Lucille Roberts blog that i think is useful. I am a believer that half of weight loss comes from exercise and the other half comes from what you eat. When I was your age, I got plenty of exercise I just had a bad diet. When I changed my diet, I started seeing results.

dude trust me this works...i got this one cheerleader to like me... a href= http://4a8e2cs6d-by3ud57mv8dsohzs.�� target= _top Click Here! /a

1.Eat 5-6 small meals regularly. By splitting each meal into 300-350 calorie segments, five to six times a day, you stay fuller longer. You also ensure that your metabolism keeps burning. Small meals also keep your blood sugar levels stable. Make sure your diet is made up of 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and 30% fats.2.Drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) daily. As a rule, to determine how many fluid ounces of water a day you should drink, follow this simple formula. Take your weight in pounds and divide it by two. This is the amount of fluid ounces of water you will need daily. So, lets say you weigh 180 pounds. Divide this by two. Following this formula you would need to drink 90 ounces of water everyday. Staying properly hydrated keeps your body working efficiently. It also prevents water retention/bloating. Remember that coffee, teas, and fruit juices contain additional calories. If you drink them as part of your daily fluid requirements, make sure to include these calories in your overall daily calorie count.3.Drink a cup of water before each meal. This will help you feel fuller sooner; thus you will eat less at each sitting.4.Cut your meal portions in half. An easy way to do this is to eat on a smaller plate. Do not eat on a regular dinner plate anymore. If you continue to eat on a dinner plate, psychologically you will feel as though you are depriving yourself when you see how little food is on your plate. But if you eat on a smaller plate, the smaller portions will look like a full plate of food. Don t cheat though! Don t pile your small plate mile high with food!5.Don t go back for seconds. (If you are following the above recommendations you won t even have room for seconds!) After you ve finished all the food on your smaller plate, get up from the table. Busy yourself with cleaning the kitchen or some other task. If after 15-20 minutes you still feel hungry then have a small snack.6.Meal plan. Plan your 5-6 meals the night before. Overeating is often a result of no planning and getting caught unprepared. When it is mealtime and you are ready to eat, it is easy to just grab anything that is available (no matter if it is healthy or not). You stay more in control if you plan your meals beforehand.7.Record your food activity and meal plans in a food journal. When inputting data include the times that you ate, the amount, location and emotion that you felt at the time. At the end of the day, review your journal. See if you can identify any patterns that have developed. For example, do you find that you are eating a snack every night at 9PM because you are bored? Determine if the patterns are helping or harming your weight loss efforts. Make changes accordingly.8.Weigh and take your measurements only once a week. Weight can fluctuate daily and can cause discouragement if highs and lows are seen from day to day. Measure and weigh yourself at the same time of the day from week to week. Add a fat binder to you daily supplements as well.