Friday, July 14, 2006

What should i eat for a healthy weight loss diet? -

I m 14, and I m 107 pounds. I have some belly fat that i m trying to lose, and hopefully a diet and jogging will help. Can i get any suggestions specifically for what i should eat for Lunch, Breakfast, and Dinner?Thankyou.-Jas

My sister is your age and weighs a little more then you. So this is what she says she does. She eats a piece of wheat toast with light jam with a fruit for breakfast. Then some pretzels or crackers, or fruit as a snack if she gets hungry before lunch. For lunch she normally gets the healthiest thing the school has that day, and again a snack if she gets hungry. When she gets home from school she runs 2 miles, then does some sit ups and push ups. For dinner she mostly eats chicken or tuna meals, with sides, like broccoli with cheese, or any vegetables or salad. She does all this because she is on the track team and the Volleyball team, so she stays very fit. The main thing you need to know is, don t EVER starve yourself, you don t ever want to feel that hunger pain. You need to eat every 4 hours with a light snack in between, and if you run and exercise, you can pretty much eat what you want.

At your age and weight there is no such thing as healthy weight loss, you are already at a healthy weight. A healthy lifestyle is always a good idea (lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins and a regular, reasonable exercise routine). Accept your body. Every normal person has some body fat, it is necessary for the normal functions of your body.

You need to have right information if you want to lose weight. You can tried way that I lost 18 pounds in 7 weeks. It works just amazing and It will work for you too. You can get more information at bit,ly/ftfjo785 (Please change , to . in the link)