Saturday, August 12, 2006

How to lose weight quickly and steadily ? -

QUICK WEIGHT LOSS As days goes by people want everything to be done in a quick way. It is the same in the case of losing weight also. When people don��t find time look after their own health they want quick remedies to make them feel fit. IMPORTANT TIPS TO BE FOLLOWED:- Most of the people make adjustments even in these quick ways, but find no good results. When they follow these ways as a strict schedule they are able to lose weight in a short period of time. Early morning walk for 20 to 30 minutes and 3 to 4 walnuts everyday reduces the fat from the body and helps losing in the weight. Along with these some medications are also necessary to reduce weight quicker. The easiest way that followed in the morning for reducing weight is drinking cucumber juice in empty stomach and its helps on reducing weight till 2kg per week. It is highly effective when taken early in the morning and it gives it result when walking is accompanied with it. The second main thing is having honey mixed with fresh lime syrup orally. This will help in reduce the weight faster than any other medications. Among these two any one system should be followed which mentioned above. This quick weight loss sometimes becomes unhealthy by bringing the person down the level of BMI. So frequent checking of BMI is followed along with these medications. Once the normal BMI reached, the person should change the diet. The tips followed should be continued in order to stop increasing in weight. But taking honey and water content vegetables should be controlled. CONCLUSION: - Quick weight loss programs should be checked and treated by physicians. It might leads to quick unhealthiness. In order to avoid sickness and to lead healthy life, the perfect diet and medications must be followed.

alright here it is quick and easyeat and drink healthy with regular exercise.losing weight/getting fit/toning up all take time and if you don t see results in 1 week, thats fine. you ll start to see results in 2-5 weeks. don t give up if it takes long.losing weight to fast may make you gain back the weight in the form of fat. and also if you want a cheat meal like sugary snack, have it once a week or once a fortnight.

Never take losing weight as a single task.In fact losing weight is a change in your whole lifestyle. Go slow and build solid foundation for your whole life. For better insight read this��

Best place in my experience is here