Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Weight loss? -

I need ideas to lose weight fast. I m only 14 years old and weight in at 237!! I feel unhealthy and unfit. I d like to lose quite a bit before school begins, which is why I d like it to go fast enough. I d love to impress my friends with pounds gone. I need fitness ideas, plans, diets or anything you can give me about healthy weight loss. Pretty please and thank you! P.S. This has become a health issue since I already have sore knees (runs in the family) and possibly diabetes (to come, also runs in the family). THX!

sparketeens.com is your friend!It s a free site with eating plans, fitness tracking, motivation and encouragement. I m on sparkpeople.com (for adults) and have lost 30 lbs!Don t do fad diets. They re unhealthy.

Perhaps the rice diet might help as very few Asians are overweight. You can find the relevant information in a web search for rice diet + weight loss .

My cousin is also 14 and weighed close to 300. She started taking 15 minute walks and cut out chips, sodas, etc. She lost about 35 pounds in a couple months.

start exercising more and eating less -- it really is as simple as that! you should cut back on junk food and focus on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains (whole wheat bread, for example), lean meats (chicken and fish, for example), and low-fat dairy (which can help increase your metabolism). you should start adding as much exercise into your day as you can -- it doesn t have to be actual working out all the time, but instead can be just adopting a more active lifestyle in general. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, get off the bus a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way, go for a brisk 30 minute walk every afternoon after school, do stomach crunches while watching TV at night, etc.Focus on getting healthy and the weight-loss will come as a benefit to that. and get someone to support you -- you can go for walks with someone you know and gossip chat then you ll be getting exercise and having fun lol!..well ok then just follow the exercising part lols