Friday, September 15, 2006

Your best toning an weight loss tips plz? -

i need some guidance. All help wil lbe much appreciated!!! would like to lose a stone as quickly (and safely) as possible in a way where the weight will stay off. And would also like to tone up all over as quickly as possible. Any at home tips?

All i can say is eat healthily and exercise regularly. Thats the best way to do it.

Drink plenty of water, eat right (no crazy diets, just eat a banana instead of a twinkie), and exercise.Cardiovascular exercises plus different weight training will do the trick.Good luck. =)

read tips on weight loss and exercise programs on this site

HiI have just come off steroids. I have started walking using a pedomiter I have lost 3 LBS this week, by walking and sticking to a low fat diet. Hope this helps

do good dance, guarantee u will loose wetight and u will have fun too......

Lots of water, cut out chips and junk snacks. Eat six small meals. Exercise morning and at night. Light weights high reps.

apart form the obvious health eating strategy, I do body attack, a kind of aerobics/circuit training/toning class. It is really effective for both weight loss and toning. Check it out at your local leisure centre.

Dont pig out between meals, eat healthy, dont eat junk food, drink alot of water and exercise even if it means walking around your garden for like a hour a day or something and instead of driving, taking the bus etc walk!! it will come off sooner then you know. :] good luck

The Firm videos and DVD s are hands-down the best. I lost 12 pounds in a month doing them. They mix aerobics with weights and it really works to tone you up and lose fat. They guarantee visible resutls in 10 workouts, but you can see them in half that. Also, I would recommend getting some 10-lb or so handweights and do some basic tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, upright rows, and butterflies at home each morning and night. It sounds simple but it really works! Good luck!

Get some decent road running trainers and get running!! Its the best cardiovascular activity there is, it also requires core stability and and you ll build strength. If you don t want to go running perhaps try some spinning / RPM classes. They burn lots of calories.You can also so some gentle free weights, like dumbelles or barbells... if you don t know what to do with weights why not look for a class like Body Pump .Boxing, boxercise, kick-boxing is all great fun and fab for fat burning and toning!!Weight loss is a simple matter of burning more calories than you put in your mouth, so a healthy diet is essential... No processed foods, lots of fruit and vegetables, ditch the fried and dee-fried foods, ditch the pizzas, have small portions throughout the day instead of a big meal in the evening.Forget about fad diets, pills, potions... there is no short-cut to getting fit.

I hope this helps you:How to Reduce Weight Quickly��

eat healthy, no snacking, plenty of water. skipping is really gd for you and lots of stretching excercises, stomach crunches are great can get mini trampettes too, thats great excercise, have you tried sex!!!!!