Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Any weight loss tips please? -

i REALLY want to be a size 1/3 to me its the perfect size and right now i m a size 5/7 and i m pushing 140 lbs. i totally hate my size and my extra meat. i do not want to be any smaller than a size 1, but i really want a thin body with no extra meat like in my legs or stomach.i kind of made up my own breif diet plan and i ve stuck to it for about 4 or 5 days already. i cut out pop and junk food. i m trying to eat the healthiest i can, and not as much. i cant really add exersize at all to my diet except crunches...its a long story thats totally off topic why..so please dont mention Just exersize!! by next summer/fall i really want to be at least a size 1/3 and i want to STAY that size. and i also really really really want a flat stomach.any good weight loss tips? [by summer time comes i will be able to exersize alot]

vegetables, oatmeal, and fruit are very low calorie and great options. also most hot sauce is 0 calories so if u like it then use that in replace of sauces. dont skip meals, this can cause u to eat junk later. also drink lots of water. i tried a water fast for 2 days and lost over a pound. they r great. mostly do a lot of crunches.

Diet and exercise are equally important. If you eat fatty, junk food or not enough good healthy food you will not lose any weight even if you exercise. And, if you don t exercise but you eat healthy you won t lose weight. Eat right. count calories, don t rely on fad diets or products that claim to help you lose weight. Find something to motivate you to workout. I found this blog helpful. http://charlie4realrocks.blogspot.com

a size 1/3 is rediculous! Be healthy, not anorexic. Most people would love to be a 5/7! Anyway, if you want some serious tips on weight loss, including how to slim down in six weeks seehttp://www.weewinkle.com

Here are the 10 tips I used to lose 25 pounds through hard work, determination, and a bit of luck...http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1225649/10_tips_to_successful_weight_loss.html