Friday, January 12, 2007

Do you think that i am fat? -

i am 15 years old and like 111 pounds. I am 5 2 . am i fat cause my friends say i am not but i look in the mirror and think i am fat. If you do think i am fat please write some good weight loss tips done.

girl i think you need to get some help you are to young to be worrying about you weight. and 111 pounds for a 15 year old is just fine.your womanly figure still hasn t developed yet and trust me men like a little meat on there bones. you are as beautiful as god made you

You are not fat, but you might want to think about losing a few pounds. You may be a little chubby, but there is nothing wrong with that. My advice would be to watch what you eat a bit more. I m not saying don t eat as much, just eat healthier. Instead of having regular potato chips, have the baked kind, or use a vinaigrette instead of ranch on your salad or sandwiches. It is also important to exercise a few times a week just to tone up. Try using this diet tracker to help you see what food you need more of and what you need less of. It also takes account of your exercise and adjusts your food intake along with it.

Well i dont think you are fat, but maybe it could be good just to tone up. It could help with self confidence, Try doing simple workouts everyday (or every other day if you are just starting to work out)Suggestions-Running is a great way to lose weight and feel great, go for 20 mintue runs, make sure to strech!-crunches, push ups are simple but effective!-If by any chance you are subscibed to a magazine like Seventeen, they put work out rutiens in their magazines and they are great, if not here a link to videos�� Other helpful sites����

The obvious way to burn fat is to eat less and workout more often, the difficulties surface when we really attempt to put that into practice! There are loads of temptations in the big wide world don t you think?! The sole diet which definitely worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a few free trials remaining, it has been highlighted in Fox News and USA Today. I worked off twenty five pounds, it definitely does produce results!