Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Got any good weight loss tips? -

I need them fast!

If you are trying to lose weight there are literally hundreds of ideas out there. In my opinion, the best way, which has been proven time and time again, is a two part method: Eat right and exercise. First, exercise is a no-brainer. You have to burn more calories than you take in for exercise to be considered exercise. How you do it is worth another answer all to itself. So, that brings us to the Eating Right part. If you understand how your body works, you ve got a head start on the world. Food is fuel for the body. Once you ve accepted that concept as more important than the idea that food is entertainment, then the rest will be relatively easy. If you are American, and I assume you are, the Nutrition Facts label that you find on all foods bought in the U.S. are the next thing you need to understand. Go grab something from your kitchen (i.e. jar of peanut butter or a bag of chips...anything with a nutrition label). OK, yeah you need vitamins and minerals and all that. But focus on these three items: FAT, PROTEIN, and CARBOHYDRATES. Let s take these one at a time: FAT is basically divided into good fats and bad fats. The body needs good fats (mono- and poly-unsaturateds). You ll find these in stuff like olives and avocados where the bad fat is minimal if not nonexistent. The bad fats are your saturated and trans fats that you ll find in meats and oils. If you are trying to lose weight, keep these to an absolute minimum. My suggestion (based on a 1500-2000 calorie diet) is to limit yourself to no more than 15g of saturated fat per day. This is hard to do if you re used to eating fast food. It s also hard to do if you drink whole milk, eat cheese (even the 2% variety), and eat fried foods. All of these are high in bad fats. The good news is that you can substitute your diet to eat the very things you like to eat but with better ingredients. If you eat cheese, buy fat free. If you drink milk, buy skim. Slowly take yourself down from whole milk or 2% to 1% before going skim/fat free if the transition is too radical to do all at once. If you eat a lot of ground beef, use the extra lean variety (96% fat free/4% fat), or substitute lean ground turkey instead. Do whatever you have to do to get the bad fat grams down to less than 15 per day.PROTEIN: The building block of nutrition (aside from your vitamins and minerals) is protein. You need it strengthen your muscles and it will be essential with your exercise routine. Without protein, you can t build muscle tone or lean body mass. And guess what? Just having lean body mass (muscles) allows your body to burn more calories even when you are sleeping. Therefore, you are able to lose weight (bad weight, that is) just by sleeping. But, you have to exercise!! Don t forget that. You can find foods that are high in protein but also high in saturated fat, so be careful. Stick to poultry (chicken, turkey), fish (tuna is a great source), and beans. Don t fry your meats because if you do, you just added a bunch of bad fat to your otherwise healthy protein filled meal. Instead, grill, broil, or bake. You can do this! Don t forget to exercise to exponentially reap the rewards of consuming protein. CARBS. In my opinion, the no-carb diet is crap, because you need carbs for energy, especially because you are exercising! That s right, you can t forget you are supposed to be exercising. The trick is choosing the good carbs. You ll see on your nutrition label Total Carbohydrates and Sugars. Sugars should be kept to a minimum and should be avoided within hours of going to sleep. The calories associated with them get stored (for energy) but are not easily burned when it comes time to burn them. Therefore, it s harder to lose the weight associated with them. That s why it s not good to eat lots of candy, cookies, and ice cream that have a lot of sugar. The other kinds of carbs (complex carbohydrates) are essential. You can get these from grains and potatoes. Good stuff!!Now that you have a brief understanding of these three nutrition components, time to get to it. Not as easy as it sounds? That s because, you re human. If you treat your body right (and I mean very right, by limiting your saturated and trans fats, limiting your sugar carbs, and eating plenty of protein), then you deserve a day when you can eat whatever you want. The body has cravings and you should be able to fulfill these cravings IF you can stand to wait until the end of the week. I call this one day of decadence your cheat day. After 12 weeks of exercising and eating right in this manner, you ll get to the point where you don t even crave the bad stuff anymore.For more on this method, I encourage you to check out The principals I wrote about are spelled out in greater detail there. Consult your doctor before drastically changing any diet or exercise routine. Good luck!

atkins diet...worked for me.I lost 60lbs.

eat healthy ,exersize,bed early,drink lots of water,but dont lose it too fast as it goes back on faster ,its just a matter of doing things steadily,changing you old life style to a newer better one ,in stead of thinking as most people do i want to be thin ,think instead i want to be healthy and full of energy,i want to glow ,you want to live ,have fun ,when people just want to be THIN thats all they think ,they dont ever seem to actually think healthily,and they always want it like yesturday ,well yesturdays activities can very nastily end up tomorrows illness ,wanting to be HEALTHY is the key,good luck

Keep Walking :- jonney Walker..............

Have you tried a cleanse? I ve been trying exercise only for about 4 months and I only dropped 7 lbs. But with cleaning and exercising I lost 22 lbs in a month. I tried Isagenix 9 day cleanse. I m going to do it again next month. My doctor recommended it to me for my weight loss. With a good cleanse you can lose up to 10 lbs in 9 days. And it s not just water weight. Just cleanse, eat healthy and exercise at least 1 hour 3 times a week. Even if it s just walking around the mall or the track. I m now on month 2 and I ve lost a total of 35lbs. Good luck.

Eat healthy, exercise, and control your stress by setting some time aside everyday for yourself.

stop eating so much and walk a lot that will take care of it,good weight loss tips right.If you went to a doctor that would be 100.00 but this is free.

There is a powerful and proprietary dietary supplement beverage that is so beneficial for weight control that over 80% of all the winning athletes were on during the last Olympics. It was recently featured and revealed for the first time on the Discovery Channel. It is called Tunguska Blast . It also helps with motion sickness for anyone who travels.And also helps people deal with stress.

reduce your food budget, buy more fruits and veggies

stop stuffing your face

only one , eat low fat food and exercise

depends what you ve tried and how much you need to lose. try a healthy eating plan with regular excercise heaps of water set weight loss goals with rewards when you acheive them but never set a time to acheive your goal or you will get dissapointed and give up hang in there good luck the weight watchers program is great and even a diabetic diet is fantastic for losing weight Good luck

Hang around someone with the stomach flu. I lost 5 lbs in less than two days. Low carb diets shed weight off really quick.

Ok, first your goal is to lose fat and not muscleYou must eat fewer calories but make the more nutrient denseYou should burn more calories through exerciseCrosstraining is more effective in burning fat and at the same time helping you fain muscle...Weight training and cardio vascular workouts are the best way to crosstrain...Some diet plans make you restrict your carbohydrates but you actually need those...Less carbohydrates mean a chance to gain a glucose((sugar)) deficit...Your body reacts to this by converting protien into carbs for your CNS...The body will start breaking itself down when this happens...You can break down your heart and your internal organs and such...Don t do that...Diet and Exercise are the key...

start up boxing it good for yourself you learn to keep care of your self and be fit

eat healthy and exercise alot...

jenney 20 now

First see your doctor to see if your body is able to handle any diet.Mean while eat what you normally eat but eat a little less of it.One way is to use smaller plates to put food on. or fill your plate with the normal amount you eat and cut, spoon or scrape off a little in a separate bowl. And throw, away give to other members in your household, feed to the dog, just get rid of it. Drink more water. Not diet soda, because it makes you hungry latter. Some thing to do with once your taste buds taste the sweetness, the pancreas goes in to making insulin and insulin needs sugar to eat and makes you hungrier. Exercise more just get out and walk, jog, swim, do yoga, aerobics, any thing your doctor says is OK to do.

Put down the fork!

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise! It worked for me!