Sunday, January 28, 2007

Help im surounded by fat111? -

IM 13 and 5 foot and a whooping 137 pounds! i try to eat healthy but i find it very hard! dose anyone have a few GOOD weight loss tips for me!! PLEASE HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT!

To ms. pickle smoker: i think you should take some of your own advice after reading your purge question.

well eating healthy always helps...cuz u when u eat helathy u get vitamins fibers and calcium and u feel so energizedtrust me jus try this for one day only eat veggies and fruits and ull see hhow active u r...and at the end of the day u can reward urself with a candy ...jus keep the amount of food u eat at a minimum..the first two days r hard but after 3 days ull get used to it..and itll eventually be ur lifestyle~~hope i helped~~good luck sexiiii :]

my son is 11 and is overweight so we went to a nutritionist for help. She told him to commit to 60 minutes of activity a day. To increase his vegetables. One way to eat meals is to have half of your plate vegetables for lunch and dinner and to eat them first to fill you up better. to not have second helpings of anything. snack on high fiber items and 2 percent milk because they will fill you up quicker. try not to snack after 8 pm and to not eat in front of the tv because that will cause you to eat more. i know all of these things are hard but if you teach yourself good eating habits then you will not have weight problems all of your life. My son has been trying all this but it has been hard for him. I wish both of you good luck and success with it.

eating good on its own wont cut it you HAVE to do cardio, no workarounds or short cuts, just force yourself to do it... and of course keep up the healthy eating