Saturday, January 27, 2007

I am gaining weight help me please? -

Okay so, I need a site that helps people to lose weight, it must be free, and i need some weight loss tips. (I am 140 but I might be younger than most of you) No offense Ibet you all look great.!!!!!

You d be better off looking at many websites and learning as many weight loss tips as you can. There isn t any one website that can tell you everything you need to know. Here are some useful tips:������������������http://www.applecidervinegarweightloss.c��

Okay so something that always works for me when I feel poochy or bloated and such are small things that help you to tone your muscles and burn fat at the same time. Things like squats and lunges and leg lifts don t take that much energy but they really help define your butt/hip/thigh area. If you do some of those a few times a week for starters along with some crunches, weights for the arms, and simple stretches, this should really help get you ready for real stuff. I ve found that starting simple like this with things that show results in a reasonable amount of time help exceedingly with my attitude because it motivates me to want to define more areas of the body. One of my friends lost nearly 100 pounds just by walking every day. That s all that she did differently that she never did before. Starting simple can really make the difference. And something to keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat, so don t let the weight overshadow the results. I play soccer and I love it and it keeps me in marvelous shape, and I am 130. Most of that is muscle because I am pretty defined, so be happy with your successes. I hope that helps.

WebMD has a section that has information on trying to help lose weight as well as on about.comI would also recommend checking with your doctor as well for additional suggestions to see what they say because certain types of medical conditions can sometimes make losing weight hard.

Your weight is fine. You were probably not meant to be a tiny person, so don t try to be. You will just be fighting mother nature if you do. I weighed 132 as a teenager and tried to fight it. I did every diet in the book and the end result? My metabolism got totally screwed up and I couldn t even smell food without gaining weight. All diets do is mess up your metabolism. Do not diet. Accept your weight. You may try small changes like taking a walk when you can, eating your veggies first, stop putting sugar in your coffee....small things that you can live with for the rest of your life. Other than that, leave well enough alone.