Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I want to loose 5 pounds and i weigh 130 lbs? -

I know that i am not too big but i just want to loose few pounds for the summer.What kind of diet would you recomend?Or what weight loss tips do you know?

EXERCISE DAILY, or at least 2-3 times a week. Eat more protein, but less carbs, since that turns into sugar. Avoid eating junk foods and eat more fruits and veggies.

general tips would be:know how many calories you should consume per dayeat smaller meals more frequently (5-6 meals per day)make sure you have proteins, carbs, and healthy fats in every mealmake sure that you don t have any refined products in your diet.exercise if you wanna create a deficitweight train if you want to keep your muscle mass (just so you know, the only thing that gives a woman curves and a nice shape is muscle mass)hope that helps

Whatever you are eating now, reduce it by 500 calories a day, so if you are on 2000 a day at the moment, cut it back to 1500. That can be done by eating fruit and drinking water instead of any snacks, having skimmed milk instead of full or half milk, and simply having a smaller amount of food for tea. Also do a little bit of exercise, about 20-30 mins a day to burn about 200 extra calories, you should loose 5lb in a few weeks. I m going for 10lb in 5 weeks myself. Good luck.

here is what my dietician suggests - follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50% veg, 25% carb, 25% protein.this will prevent cravings too.an occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit (ideally berries) or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like. get a pedometer and take 10,000 steps everyday.

avoid fatty foods and sugar. do some jogging around the block in the morning and a few crunches would also help. don t forget to eat a well balanced diet and drink lots of water.

its all the same. regular exercise and eat well. make dinner slightly smaller, becuase you cant burn of fat when you sleep. get up early and go for a run or go to the gym.

run run run run run run run and then run some moreif you sweat, you lose weight