Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hey I need some help :) (weight loss tips) PLEASE =)? -

I would like to lose wieght in my:-arms-thighs-stomachAny tips?Thanks 3

Do weight lifting. Abs-situps work really wellArm-light weightsThighs-run maybe

South Beach Diet. my friend lost 13 lbs in 2 weeks, but it s hard, i didn t survive it. So what i do is i write down charts of what i eat and how much i x-cersize. ALready i ve lost 2lbs in 1 week. It sounds crazy but it works. Good Luck!!!

Lot s of exercise! Walking is one of the best. If you can afford it, join the Y or another health club because there are machines for target areas. . and they have treadmills Drink Lot s of water, it will trick your stomach in to believing that it is full. (it is, with water!)snack on fruit and veggies. Eat only until you are no longer hungry, eat small meals several times a day.Eat healthy foods and if you slip so what? there is always tomorrow, eat for the Holidays but not as much then get back on the diet band wagon the next day.

First of all, exercise regularly and eat healthy. Absolutely don t starve yourself or go on a diet . Your diet should be a permanent habit of eating well rounded foods. Plenty of green leafy vegetables, colorful foods, and proteins. Follow the pyramid food guide. Furthermore, nix unhealthy foods, especially sodas. One soda a day packs on 10-15 pounds per a year. Even if the sodas are diet, don t drink them, they are extremely unhealthy and are indescribably horrible for your teeth. So overall, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. When exercising, the body doesn t start burning fat until you ve been exercising for at least 30 minutes consecutively, so work out for more than that.

The more muscle you build in those areas the more weight you ll lose in general, and the muscle mass will help you look defined. Visit a gym, one that has an offer of a free training session, let the trainer know what areas you want to concentrate on and they ll let you know the excercises you ll need to do.

don t listen to that el person.theyre stupid.stress will make you put on weight.i always find really good exercise tips in like seventeen and other mags. like that.they give good eating habit tips also.its awesome.they work great.

yeah, get into lot of stress, and u will loose weight so quickly, u wont believe is. everywhere, dont worry. i just asked question about putting on weight. thats quite hard, for me, but loosing, espec through stress, that works. just try it:)

1. Do Cardio workout (Running, walking) every day.2. Do toning exercise (Abs, Pilates) at least 4 times a week.3. Eat less sugar and carbs and more salads.4. Do not eat fast food!5. Do some weight lifting every once in a while, just make sure it isn��t too heavy.