Monday, February 12, 2007

Quick Weight Loss? -

Hi. I need some effective quick weight loss tips to lose 15-20 pounds in about 1.5 months. Any exersize tips and ways to eat healthy? Thanks!

Well since you helped me on my question a bit, I want to help you.Okay you want to loose fat right? to effectively loose fat you have to burn enough calories so that you total intake of calories is less then the amount for you to weight the same.This is one of my favorite websites;��I use it all the time.That calculator will tell you the amount of calories needed to stay at your same weight.Now, If you subtract about 500 calories to that, that is how much you should consume to loose one pound of fat a week. Now your thinking, Wtf. That isnt Quick. I want it off before school! I want to get into a bathing suit NOW. Yes, everyone wants their results now, and will be impatient. But for those who stick on slow results, they actually keep it off. Now this is not from experience, but I have seen a boy that has went from 202 lbs to about 140, average weight, in about a year.A year is a long time, but it flies by when your getting results. And in that long time you learn how to eat and live right all over again.

Try this website for solutions

I just answered this elsewhere so am answering the same here.A couple of years back I was really overweight and saw an article which said if you want to lose weight quickly avoid these 5 things: Bread, rice, pasta (all kinds), sugar and potatoes. So I ate as much as I wanted but kept off these 5 things. I also started walking 20-30 mins every day (very important - I now try to walk 45 mins everyday). I lost 10kgs (22 pounds) in 5 weeks :-) Losing weight is one thing, keeping it constant is another. Here s one tip for you that I learned some time back: one of the signs of dehydration is similar to hunger pangs. So whenever you get hunger pangs, drink water. In fact I drink a lot of water every day. That has helped in keeping my weight constant too.Lastly, eat small meals more frequently. I try to eat small meals every 3-4 hours.

You have to concentrate in your goal,firstly.About diet i can say don t try any weird diets, the best is the healty way as chicken,salmon ,lots of salads (with a minimum of olive oil),2 fruits a day,lots of water any kind of bread,pasta or rice,cheese.The best is eating somethin each 4 hours for having your metabolism working and doing double phisical activities,one in the morning and other in the evening if you have time. The best tip is doing activity when you wake up (40 minutes walking is ok) before eating breakfast because your body will take the energy from your fat deposits. And i can stronly recomend a product called HIDROXICUT that is magical for losing weight ,or you can try with other fat burner, but this is the best!!!Good luck!!!!

Natural foods only, yoga, fasting, hoodia, and tea...lots of water too and some hiking.... You can do it!

No such thing, It will take longer to lose that much weight safely