Friday, February 16, 2007

Is there anyone else out there that has Hashimotos disease and only responds with mega doses? -

I developed Hashimoto s disease while pregnant 4 years ago. My meds have never been able to control my TSH. My thyroid was eventually removed because it was non-functional, and was thought to be cancerous. I have had (at the beginning)50mcg and very recently 375mcg. None of it worked. In December my TSH was at 187.6 and my doctor was concerned because my heart rate and blood pressure were low. My reflex-reaction time was very slow. My doctor placed me on this program where I was taking half a gram twice weekly, rather than a daily pill. It was the only thing that worked, but it was such a pain to have to go in so often, and my employer made that worse. I am now on daily meds -which AREN T working. Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so, was it temporary? And also (as usual) weight-loss tips that work would be appreciated.

Have you tried different thyroid meds or just stuck with one? Low heart rate and b/p could be symptoms of low cortisol...have you been tested for this? Do you have GI problems as well? Its possible there is something going on with your pituitary and it is spitting out too much TSH so tests should be done on that. Are you seeing an endocrinologist or just a GP? If GP switch to endo because GPs don t understand this stuff.

I have Hashimoto s too. You need to be on a high dose because you have no thyroid. You will have to be on daily meds. I am surprised they let you take a weekly dose. I would definitely talk to an endocrinologist. You may have more going on.