Monday, February 26, 2007

Whas a healthy weight? -

I m 5 4 1/2 , and I weigh 120lbs- 123.5lbs after I eat. Except most of my weight goes to my stomach. I ve recently started exercising- a week ago I was 127lbs, 132lbs after I ve eaten, but I lost the weight. I m really skinny, except in my stomach-area, I m quite pudgy.I want to get down to 115lbs, would that be a normal weight for my height? If not, what is...? Any weight-loss tips would help as well.

First, spot training unless you are a professional body builder, doesn t really work.Your BMI is at around 20.3 which is normal. Your basal metabolic rate is around 1352.7 calories, if you are 25 years old or so. That means, when your body is at rest, you use 1352.7 calories just to survive .Don t forget muscle is heavier than fat. So 1# of fat will take up more space than 1# of muscle. You could weight more, yet be smaller if you had a low body fat. Try the body fat calculator at the included link.My suggestion is you look into abdominal exercises, but pudgy stomach is not necessarily the cause of muscle tone problems.I suggest you combine cardiovascular exercises with weight lifting. Women tend to gravitate toward cardio, which is a big mistake. weight lifting not only tones muscles but provides a good foundation for your frame.