Friday, March 23, 2007

Any weight loss tips/tricks? What keeps you motivated? -

I ll start it off with.... solo dance parties Laughing Cow light cheese frozen grapes and Kanye West/ Lil Wayne musicAnd....GO

Keep at least an hour a day set aside for a quick workout. Start with stretching for 15 minutes and then work into the harder things like crunches, pushups, leg lifts, ect. And when it s warm out, go for a 1-2 mile jog. If you have a treadmill, then even better!Keep a healthy diet. Have a nice breakfast with Special K cereal, a glass of milk, and a piece of fruit. Have a nice lunch. Not a big one though, lunches are supposed to be small-sized. Then you can have a big dinner. Keep your diet full of meats, dairy, vegies, and fruit. Throughout the day you should have a water bottle at your side. Have a gronola bar in between each meal, too. (you don t want to starve)My motivation is knowing that I look beautiful and healthy.Hope it helps!

i agree with the kayne west music. i dont think him as a person(i think he is a real jerk) but his music is always a good workout