Monday, March 12, 2007

Can Anyone Help Me Loose Weight? -

I ve been trying to lose weight for a while and I was wondering if anyone had LEGIT weight loss tips to fit my busy schedule. Links or personal advice would be helpful, thanks ;D

Eat healthy and workout. Your should work out for at least 45 minutes every other day. You loose weight after you work out, not while you work out so, every other day. Dont eat anything sweet at all. Nothing, nada, nothing at all. Try that for 1 month and eat 4-6 small meals a day, according to how hungry you get in one day. It s okay if you eat 6, you wont gain weight. Actually, the best way to lose weight is to eat because if you dont eat, your metabolism wont work and you wont burn anything. But be sure to eat HEALTHY. before you decide on loosing weight, be committed. Organize a plan and stick to it :]Exersize: Jog for 45 min around your neighborhood or on a treadmill. Go to a gym if you can. I think jogging is the best way to lose weight because believe it or not, it helps your legs, butt, and stomach. :]Hope I helped

try resistance training were you do cardio in intervals for example if you are going to run on a treadmill then run on the hardest intensity the best you can for a minute and then stop and keep doing thator do a 5-7 minute warm up at a low intensity and then do one minute high intensity and 2 minutes medium intensity. after that break and do the 1 minute high intensity and 2 minutes medium 2 more times and then a 5 minute low intensity cool down. over doing cardio can promote muscle loss and performing this resistance training will speed up your metabolism and help you shed the pounds :)

If you are looking for easy weight loss way, you can use my way. I lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks. If you are serious about weight loss you should have a look this way. It is easy if you know right information to do weight loss. You can find more information at