Friday, March 16, 2007

Ughh .. weight? -

Ok so I totally want to lose weight by like May-ish so that i wont be self concious in bikinis in the summer. I am not fat but i have slight love handles and not a flat stomach. I reaaally want a FLAT stomach and NO lovehandles . Can you give me motivation, weight loss tips, things to eat, and exercises that really work on those spots? Please Help Me!thank youu

like totally eat less... you ll like totally loose weight!like for real

you could start eating things with less calories. go for a 15 min jog every day. and you can still eat whatever you want because there are many good foods with very little calories you can buy. for example the weight watchers chocolate delicious!!!

look up excercises that help with those areas and nothing bread pasta,rice,potatoes go to whole wheat bread ,pasta and rice even mix it with white to learn new tastes sweet potatoes and even if you do not like whole wheat bread have one slice whole wheat one white and cut down to two slices of bread a day i quit eating white bread and lost 12 pounds and i am not fat just was slightly over wieght

wow we are similar :D. What you want to do is start on like a specific day. go grocery shopping and buy only good food. like food that has the healthy sign on the box. once you start you ll feel bad about eating junk food. just motivate yourself and exercise! if you can go skiing, do it! it s so easy and you dont even break a sweat and you burn 500 calories an hour! otherwise go running, it s not as bad as you think once your doing it. and do about 100-200 or even 300 crunches a night in 50 intervals. if you do that once a night for 2 or 3 weeks. trust me, you ll see results and otherwise if you dont want to run walk for 30 min a day, def. will get results. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, those are the hardest areas to shape up quickly. Don t fall for any magazine gimmick that promises results in a week either! The best thing to do is cardio. Try running a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Sound like a lot? It is. But it s dedication that pays off, trust me. I d also avoid animal products, increase your veggies and fruits, and try to work out before you eat. The main thing is that you expel more calories than you consume in a day and get adequate cardio. Remember: Cardio doesn t have to consist of just running, speed walking is a very effective cardiovascular exercise. AND people are more likely to speed walk LONGER than those who run, because it s kinder on your joints. GOOD LUCK!

You need to workout and do 30 minutes of cardio a day. Also do abs that will help with your stomach. Google on the web fitness workouts and there are plenty of exercises that can help. Self magazine also has some great tips and story s from people that had lost alot of weight.

Not sure.