Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Weight loss tips PLEASE read? -

So, my husband is leaving for 4 months on a deployment around September 12th, and I really want to use this as an opportunity to lose some weight before he gets back. However, I would like to get a jump start and start loosing some right NOW. That way, when I go back to stay with my parents it dosnt kill me because I already have started. I weigh around 170-175 and Im only 5 3. I know I can get back down there since I have been really skinny before. I gained over 50 pounds in the past 3-4 years, and now that Im off of birth control I havnt have as big of appetite.Anyway, how can I lose around 10 pounds by Septmember 12th?Is that even possible? I can be a little less or more...dosnt really matter?

To lose weight you have to reduce your calorie intake.You have to eat less calories and burn more. That is where exercise comes in...Add in exercise to your daily routine and you will find that you will be losing at a better rate. To get the metabolism going and revved up you have to do something that exherts energy and gets you burning calories. If you are sweating...you are burning calories! :-)Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day as this will help to rid your body of toxins and it will also keep you hydrated during exercise periods.1.Some of my weight loss tips are to eat slowly and chew your food well. The slower you eat is better because it gives you TIME to know when you are getting full. It takes the brain about 20 minutes know you are getting full. So the slower you eat...the more chance the brain has to tell you when you are getting full and thus allow you to eat less.2.ONLY eat when you are hungry! Not because it is mealtime or any other time. If you eat when you are not hungry then you are defeating your purpose.3.Put your fork down completely after each bite. This will also help you to slow down. Take time to enjoy the flavor of the food.4. Do not eat anything from fast food! Almost everything there is either fried, high calorie, or empty calories! Learn to make healthy choices.5. Consider cutting your carbohydrate consumption to about 120 carbs a day. More than that isn t good for anyone. 6.Stay away from high sugar foods and those that are made with anything white! Although there are good carbs and bad carbs the bad ones are what to avoid. When carbs you eat are not burned off within 20 minutes of eating them they will turn to sugar in your system, then the sugar will turn to fat to be used at a later time. If it is not used then you are subject to gaining weight.7. DO NOT SKIP MEALS....it is better to eat smaller meals more often also. because this keeps your metabolism busy burning calories.Hope some of these ideas help. Good Luck! Dedee

cut back to a 1500 cal diet of complex carbs(grains). Also, the diet should be high in dairy so that your body produces less fat naturally(it takes a long time to explain but trust me). So products like skim milk are good and make sure none of your three meals has a lot more than one of the others. caffeine does a great job at curbing appetite. And of course cardio activity is good to like running and biking