Monday, April 16, 2007

Anyone have any quick weight loss tips for post-pregnancy women? -

Breastfeeding worked wonders for me! In 10 days I lost 37lbs...and I only put on 12 my entire pregnancy. I also started taking my son out as soon as the weather was nice and we would go on walks....I found a 3-4 milie walk one of the most relaxing things I could do...especially if the baby was sleeping. You get extra work either pushing the stroller or having your baby in a carrier.

yes there areto answer you better visit-http://www.quick-weight-loss.b�� Report Abuse

breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed!! In addition to eating healthy and getting some moderate exercise (start easy, the body needs time to recover and muscle tone is shot at first) breastfeeding exclusively (no formula) burns somewhere around 500 extra calories per day, sometimes more! Drink lots of water too, your body needs to stay hydrated and it will help stretchmarks by keeping skin hydrated. Play with your baby to get your exercise

Well, I��m not a women and I��ve never been pregnant. But I do have some experience with losing weight. Try cutting back on your sugar and carbohydrate intake. (Soda pop, candy, breads, and even starchy veggies like potatoes and carrots) they will slow you metabolic rate down and all of that stuff is just bad for you period. I lost three pounds in the first week just from eliminating that stuff from my diet. Next try and get some exercise. Walking for an hour will burn around 500 calories or maybe get in to some jazzercise. I stared taking Karate and that��s when I really slimed down. One other thing is always have a little something for breakfast. If you don��t your boday things that your trying to starve it to death and so It stops burning calories(very bad). Try just having a piece of cheese or a hard boiled egg in the morning but no high carb breakfast cereals. I hope this helps, good luck:)!

I lost all my pregnancy weight a couple weeks after giving birth by drinking lots of water and excercise. I gave up all the yummy stuff you eat during pregnancy like ice cream, candy, fast food, and midnight snacks. I continued to eat pasta and other carbs, just smaller portions. If you haven t lost the weight yet (I don t know how long ago you had your baby), my friend told me that her doctor told her that women don t start losing weight until their bodies lose (maybe she said a diff. term) all the pregnancy hormones, or about 3 menstrual periods. :) Good Luck.

breastfeeding. it helped me regain my figure after a couple months. try light weight training and modify you diet. add more fruits and vegetables and protein and use less sugar