Sunday, April 15, 2007

This 17 year old girl wants some weight loss tips? =)? -

I weight 136.5lbs and am 5 2. My goal is to get down to 110lbs. I already don t drink soda or juices and I don t eat much grains like bread. I have a treadmill and an exercise bike. All answers are appreciated. =)

Sweetie, I m 17 too. Close to your size even. 5 4 , 140 lbs. My advice is, throw away your scale. Weight loss is not about numbers in pounds and should never be. Weight loss should be about how much healthier and energized you feel. How your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror. As for excersise, if you re really out of it, just walk (or ride) 2-3 miles a day, 4 or 5 days a week at the highest comfortable speed. Sprinkle a minute or two of sprinting in there every once in awhile. The increase in your stamina over even two weeks will surprise you. Whenever you feel ready, A.K.A. physically able to, start walking faster, running for longer period of time.Do yoga if you d like. It really is peaceful and helpful. If not, just make sure you stretch before and after working out.Do you have some weights? If you do, start using those too, any little bit helps. That will also help tone you. Just make sure you have a spotter if you bench anything.You already seem to be doing well with your diet, from what I read. Drink water. Just keep a bottle around at all times and sip from it constantly. And as for food? Don t limit your intake of carbs per se, just make sure that what you re eating is healthy. Stay away from high fructose corn syrup, that stuff is the devil. Also, eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of three larger ones increases your metabolism.Hopefully you got something from me?edit// SARAH M, BMI isn t a very good indicator of someone s health. That archaic system needs to just be trashed. Four people I know, myself included, are obese according to that scale. And I assure you, none of us are anywhere near obese, in fact, we are all very, very fit. Though I wholeheartedly agree with eating the fresh food and the effects.

i heard of a liquid diet i forget the name though

i suggest you drink LOTS of protien, and walk on that treadmill alot...if you want you can run (i have never cared for runing so i suggest walking) oh, and i mena brisk walking, no oh look at the bird. but fast enough so you d make good time if you were walking somewhere. Also, try to eat mostly lena meats, veggie, and nothing real healty fats and actually healthy foods. and hop on the exercise bike as much as you want, but make sure yoo DO NOT burn more calories then you take in...thats the equal to pretrty much not eating, and your body does need fuel, no matter how badly you want to lose weight.

have you checked out your BMI? That will show you if you are overweight or not. Fill up on plenty of fruit and vegetables, cut out the crap and you will see the benefits in your hair, skin and nails as well as your waistline. Don t go overboard though, there s nothing worse than making yourself too skinny!

You need to eat 3 healthy meals per day and 3 healthy snacks per day. Not eating grains like bread is a problem because you need fiber to have a well balanced diet. You need proteins, healthy carbs and healthy fats. I know it sounds stange but in order to lose weight, you need to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism working and burning fat. So, go to a calorie counter and find out how many calories you should eat in a day based on your height and weight and then make sure you exercise to burn through calories . It s recommended that you do cardio at least 3-4 days per week 30 minutes and add some strength training 3 days per week too.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and drink a lot of water.Keep a food journalFind an exercise program that you likeI could never lose weight on either a treadmill or exercise bike because I find them incredibly boring. I feel much better exercising outside as in walking or hiking or doing certain workout DVDs indoors.You have to find what works for you. Join a sport or go dancing.

You want a weight loss tip? Don t.

drink 4 bottles ( 8 cups of water everyday) only drink water it will drastically decrease your cal intake

Try the master cleanse, it will clean you out and take many pounds. A 17 yr old should not be doing any crash or fad diets. You need all the nutrients you can get. If you want to lose weight, turn off your computer and go outside for a walk