Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Weight Loss Questions!!? -

Ok. I ve been doing cardio every night, for 30 minutes as interval running/jogging (like fast for a few minutes, then slow...I hear that s effective), for the past MONTH. And I ve also watched what I ve been eating and drinking. So far, I have noticed absolutely nothing...I m getting so discouraged, that I just want to cry, because I ve been working so hard at this, and I haven t noticed any changes...So here are my questions:1.) Does anyone know why I m not noticing anything? 2.) And does anyone have any helpful weight loss tips for me? I don t care how unorthadox they are.3.) If I do lose weight, will my hips shift a little to give myself a seemingly smaller frame ? Because I have sort of a medium-large bone frame. Please don t be sarcastic, and please don t be rude...I really need help here!! Thank you very much!!

I am trying to be healthier and I titally know what you need. You are trying your hardest but nothing is resulted. the first thing i have to say is some times people take months to show results I know it stinks but you have to wait.Some tips I can give you is to have a lot of fruit. Also instead of having 3 big meals a day have 6 mini meals. I know it sounds stupid but it works. you are happy with what you are getting and satisfied.O ya for your last question you asked is no I am not that sure but I do not think that your hips with shift.I wish you the best of luck!! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!

You probably need to bump it up to about 60 min. a day. Also, i would need to know exactly what your eating to know why your not losing the weight :) Stick with it, you can do it! :)

Read this article by Bethany Roberts called Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss http://www.weightlossfatloss.us/ten_weig��