Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Do you have any killer Weight loss tips? -

I m trying to get a killer bodie like Zac Efron s or Brandon Stoughton so when I come back to my old school after the summer of 2009.I want to surprise them and I want to feel better of myself.Please help me out.

Six Simple Tips For Losing Weight in a Healthy Way.It is a time-honored tradition to make resolutions at this time of year. If your resolution is to lose weight - and keep it off, then keep reading!Here are six simple tips that will have you losing weight in a balanced and healthy way. Lose weight with water.Water is essential for everybody - it is also the key to losing weight. If you haven t been drinking enough water, your body has developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight.CONTINUSE READING FULL ARTICLE HERE:-

10 semi-easy ways to lose weight1. Walk/jog for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to boost your metabolism in order to burn that fat.2. Eat a small handful of almonds (at least 6) every morning. Almonds are one of the healthiest snacks you can eat and the protein is good for burning fat.3. Purchase a Pilates DVD and do the exercises at least 2-3 times per week. Pilates works on toning your entire body with concentration on your powerhouse (middle section) and will improve your flexibility.4. Add fiber to your diet and cut down your intake of the bad carbs. Foods such as white bread, pastas, potatoes, and white rice should be limited. Eat brown rice and whole wheat bread instead. To get that needed fiber increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables (especially the leafy green ones).5. Drink skim milk instead of whole milk. Keep your dairy intake at a minimum because these products often cause bloating and gas.6. Perform proper crunches at least 3 times a week to train your abs. Avoid sit-ups because they really do very little to firm your stomach. Sit-ups work your hip flexors more than anything else.7. Drink plenty of water. You should be drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day. Not only will it help fill you up so you eat less, but it aids in digestion.8. Stop eating within 3 hours of bedtime. If you have to munch on something, eat a small portion of vegetables or fruit. Not eating late can make a huge difference.9. Eat smaller meals more often instead of 2-3 big meals per day to keep from having that bloated look and feeling. Eating more meals actually kicks up your metabolism.10. Take a break from healthy eating once in a while and treat yourself to your favorite dessert. If you completely deprive yourself of the foods you love you ll run the risk of going back to your bad eating habits. Moderation is the key.

1) Plan ahead. Grab a notebook or journal and keep it in your kitchen where you can see it. Plan your menus the night before and make sure you have all the ingredients you need. This saves you from last minute trips to the store.2) Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. This doesn t have to be a typical, structured activity. It can be a brisk walk, a game of soccer with your kids, or parking your car further from an entrance. Little activity changes add up to big weight loss over time.3) Increase your Fiber intake. Choose whole grains, as they are rich in fiber, and satisfy your hunger longer.4) Decrease your fat intake. You really don t need all those chips, chocolate and pastry treats do you? Cut back as much as you can on these. Most of them are full of trans fats, which your body can t break down.5) Fruits and Vegetables. Approximately 50% of your daily food intake should be from this group. Choose a variety of whatever is in season.6) Lean meats are a must. Poultry, fish and lean beef are among the favorites. Cut excess fat off of meat before cooking, and rinse hamburger after cooking to get rid of any excess fat.7) Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. This is important to flush your system of fat. If you find drinking that much water is too difficult, try substituting it with some green or herbal tea.8) Grab a partner9) Eat more often10) Listen to your bodyp.s.:i really don t understand what that grab a partner means because i just googled these methods. anyway, i hope that will help!

eat healthier, eggs in the morning with non-fat milk, or oatmeal. Then work out and keep a pair of dumbbellsin your room to wake up to so you can remind yourself what to do. Eat protein and fiber rich foods (oatmeal, turkey, chicken, etc.)Do sit-ups everyday in between breakfast and lunch, and each day try doing 5-10 more, and work your way up. Basically, work out and each day push yourself further. You re gonna look great!

Run, run and then run some more. Eat healthy and then run some more. This will get rid of all your excess fat. To build muscle hit the weights and eat plenty of natural protein.

dont eat.so much weight loss.