Sunday, May 20, 2007

Any GOOD weight loss tips?? -

HELP!! I am 20 years old and getting married in September. I need to lose about 60 pounds to get to my goal weight but I would be happy losing any amount of weight. This is the largest I have been and I can t do it anymore I am depressed and I feel like I will never rise above this. I have a desk job where I work from 8:30 to 5:30 so I would have to go to the gym after work but with planning the wedding that is hard because my job takes up so much of my day I can t do both. I DON T WANT TO BE A FAT BRIDE!!!

Get a good workout DVD that you can do at home in the AM I suggest slim in 6 by beach body. Change your eating habits. If you have the money join Weight Watchers. Good luck on your wedding!! Congrats!

start getting up earlier and doing some arobics at home beafor you eat breakfast. add more liquid food to your diet. and dont eat at night time. midnight snacking will make you a plump little piggy. and dont walk to work, you dont want to be sweaty, stinky, and sticky all day.

Check this website out, you will find your answer. It is safe and no side effects ...

OK step one, cut out ALL processed sugars. The only acceptable sugars should come from fruits and fruit juices. Also no processed graines. Only whole grain breads. Cut out fats. Stay strict to this diet and exercise for 45 minutes a day, and the weight will start to come off after 2 weeks.

Log on to and find a meeting location near you. Go today or tomorrow to a meeting and sign up. The sooner you sign up, the faster you will start losing weight, and the thinner you will be on your wedding day.PS - congrats on your engagement!PPS - I recently tried South Beach. Though many people report otherwise, I found it to be quite unhelpful and I felt crappy the entire time I was on it.

tape your mouth shut...lolseriously...i feel your pain...i needed to loose a ton b4 i got married too...Akins is a sure fire method to loose a lot of weight really quickly....cut your carb intake down to 10 grams/day. it ll be really hard for the first 2 weeks, but after that, it ll be a breeze and you actually will loose all appetite... (induction) and stay on the induction until you reach your goal...(even though you are only supposed to do induction for 2 weeks) Make sure you take vitamin supplements because you will be loosing lots of nutrients...also, make sure to take potassium supplements...check out atkins website for all the details and make sure you don t have any health issues that could be exacerbated by this diet.oh yeah...good luck on your wedding day.

My mother has lost a little over 30 pounds in about 4-5 month s time. What she has done is basically eat a lot less than what she used to. She has done this without going hungry by having fiber (in pill form) with a glass of water about 30 minutes before every meal, this allows her to feel full without actually eating a lot. Also, she has given up fats, and because of the fiber, has also been eating smaller portions.She was also supposed to exercise, but because of her very busy schedule (she gets off work at about 7 every weeknight), she has not done any exercise.I hope this works for you.

Walk to and from work. Power walking is one of the best cardio-vascular exercises you can get and it will help you reduce, especially if you cut your calorie intake too.

i am 50 pounds , you could carry me every day for afew hours!

Well if you are serious about loosing weight go buy PHYTOLACCA BERRY TABLETS in Q(Mother tincture) its Homeopathic works very well and has no side effects.And Avoid Chocolates Coffee Mints of all sorts and red meat while you are taking this remedy !Best of Luck on your Wedding and congrats in advance .Do send me your pics when you are slim as you want to be ;-)Take Care and God Bless