Sunday, May 20, 2007

Six pack abs???!?!?!?!?!? weight loss tips please. help please. Thanks:)? -

ok, u c I am ayoung teen just turned 13 around 3 or 4 months ago and have a question about six pack abs. I want them to win 10 dollars for a bet and also since i hope the chiks will like them but is my workout effictive. Should I add anything? I am pretty slim, active, healthy, 108 pound 5 foot 1 but growing. My workout consists of 3 cardio periods a week and 3 strengthening periodsMy workout plan: Day 1 StrengtheningThis consists of one thousand sit-ups, 500 ab lounge crunches, 8 minute ab video 8 times, 10 reps of 1 minute planks, 200 weight lift curls in each arm, 200 sit-ups with weights, 30 min cardio and like every day a healthy diet of 8 glasses of water, tuna, chicken breast, high fibre breakfast, no junk or pop, veggies and all of that crazy stuffDay 2 CardiovascularThis consists of stationary bike for 1 hour moderatly, 1,500 calories burned on elleptical trainer, jog 2 miles, 1 8 minute abs workout, 300 sit-ups.Day 3 CardiioDay 4 StrengthDay 5 CardioDay 6 StrengthDay 7 Rest. Each of those days consists of the diet I listed at the top and if I repeated this workout I would liketo know the approximnete tiime it would take to see results and my six pack abs:) thanks alotMark J

after six weeks u will start to notice your ads getting tighter but your eating will need to be adjusted to excuse my spelling. eat less starch and more potein, water and veg, fruit

Get this free report on how to lose stomach fat, It helped me lose weight and got my abs tight fast ! Good Luck!