Thursday, May 17, 2007

Teen weight loss tips? -

plz give tips from ur experience and not accai berry pills or any green tea stuff

Instead of eating chips eat fruit.Don t drink a lot of soda, drink something without all the sugar.When you feel like you should eat something that s not healthy, brush your teeth!Do you have a treadmill? If so, use it. If not, you can run around in your neighborhood if it s safe.

Well what i found what worked for me was exercising and eating a bit healthier. By exercising you should find a sport that your find fun. exercising shouldn t be a chore. and a good exercise is always refreshing. :)What I mean by eat healthier is to just make sure your having the proper nutrition daily. I switched from eating a lot of junk foods to eating more fruits and foods that were not only tasty but good for me too. and when you get those cravings have a little but don t go overboard XDAlso for me I had a large appetite but i ate small amounts of food 4-5 times a day. others are more comfortable eating the standard 3 times a day. Find what s right for you.One last tip is finding a diet buddy. Just encourage each other or work out together. It helps a lot. Ok i ll stop rambling. Good luck, hope i ve help you some :)

Now a days, too many young girls are dieting and making themselves sick. Anorexia and binge and purge techniques are not only unhealthy but can cause death. Learn how to diet safely and healthy by checking out the Swizzle Diet.

Substitute your food for better food. If you have a craving for potato chips, go for Pretzels or potatoes with a little bit of butter on them. If you crave a cheeseburger, go for meatballs immersed in a noodle dish, if you crave sugar, go for a nutri-grain bar, etc. Just substitute unhealthy food for healthy foods. Satisfy your cravings with healthier choices of the foods you are craving. Combine foods into one dish to make the portion of each food smaller. You ll get full before you know it, and you won t need a plate of fries, a plate with a cheeseburger on it, fried vegetables or whatever. You ll be full with your meal. Trick your mind and put all the food together. All the mind will see is food, not the portions of each food, and you ll be full before you know it and not want a cheeseburger, or more grease. If you crave grease, go for hashbrowns, or sautee vegetables in olive oil with seasoning. That s all.

Seriously when people say diet and excercise...its true. For one day, just count the amount of calories you put in your body, you probably never realized how much you do. Drink water!! Its will make you feel so much better, go for a walk at night, run, biking, or whatever you can do. Try staying active so you can always burn calories. Eat small meals, so your never hungry and your metabolism is always going strong.