Thursday, June 21, 2007

I know im overweight i need some weight loss tips.? -

I m 16 with a medium frame. I m 5 feet tall and my weight flucuates from 155-159 I need to lose weight.

The first thing to deal with is the food you eat. Your body s metabolism works best when you eat regularly. This means a 300 calorie meal every 3-4 hours. A calorie is a calorie so you can still eat some of your favorite foods as long as you maintain a calorie count. For instance, a small order of fries has the same amount of calories as a turkey sandwich on whole wheat plus a bowl of chicken noodle soup, it s your choice, but which one will keep you full longer?Also, drink 80oz of cold water per day. A good trick is to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, then promise yourself you won t drink any other beverage until you finish a second glass of water. Then you already have 40oz out of the way. Also, drink milk. It is really good at keeping you hydrated.Now the exercise. It s difficult to start an exercise program and stick with it if you don t already exercise. So I suggest dealing with your meals first. It s way easier to make changes to something you are already doing.Start with walking. It s easy and cheap. Make a 30 minute mix for your iPod and go. Aim for 1 mile every 15 minutes, it s a pace that gets your heart rate up and it s easy to maintain. Try to get out every day. Believe me, there are days that you simply won t want to do it so go easy on yourself and just try to do more days the next week. Before you know it, you ll be walking an hour at a time and you ll feel a need to get your walk in.You can also add strength training exercises: Lifting weights, push-ups, pull-ups, squats and lunges. Try to do some of these exercises for 15-20 minutes 3 times a week.The only way to lose weight is to find a program you can stick with week after week. If you try to make too many big changes all at once, you will only be able to keep it up for a week, then you ll get frustrated and quit. You must start out with the small changes you can manage. Then continue making small changes every week after that. If you want the weight loss to last, then you have realize you will only lose about 2 pounds per week, but after 10 weeks, that s 20 pounds that won t come back!!

it s really hard to lose weight...but i can usually lose weight pretty easily by exercising regularly...when you re watching tv, do some sit-ups during the commercials, run every night, and fill up your stomach with stuff other than junk food... eat an apple before every meal, it fills up your stomach so you dont eat as much of your meal, and drink A LOT of water...water washes off fat, and fills up your stomach without the calories toogood luck:D

Running is a good way to burn calories. Most people have luck losing some flab and toning up just by running. I ve had the best luck on an elliptical machine. That thing kicks my booty! But I lost some major weight just using it about 30mins 3 days a week. Good luck! Whatever you do, make sure you stick with it! Oh, and have fun! : )

you are about my same size. i have lost 33 pounds in about 4 and a half months by eating 1200-1500 calories a day and getting a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week. since you are 17 years younger than me, you will probably lose even faster than i have. good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to email me.

If you know correct diet info you can lose weight. I tried the way here this site and I lost 13 pounds in one month. It is very easy to lose weight. You can get my diet way that lost me 17 pounds in 5 weeks here

Exericise, eat right, count your caleries. You can also get alli and it can help you on your weight loss goals.

Eat healthy ExerciseTry cutting on all of processed foodNo more sugarlots of fruits and vegetablesfiberprotein to gain muscleonly drink water

when you find a good diet let me trying to lose weight too

no more gluten or sugar! drink plenty of water and eat right. starving yourself is NEVER the answer