Monday, June 25, 2007

Ummmmmmmmm help!? -

okay NO MEAN COMMENTSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!but I was wonderingggum what does it take to be doll likealmost like barbie....perfect featuresyou know?well let me know.please give weight loss tips, beauty (hair makeup) and attitudethanks lovesxoxo

wow that is totally my subject you have no idea! lol. Well, to start... you need to love your features the way they are...just enhance them a little bit. Weight Loss? Aerobics. no workout machines either, they dont give results trust me. do yoga and pilates, because you wont get bulky. Youll get lean, long muscles. Go walking 4 nights out of the week. Get yourself a little dog and take him with you its SO much more motivating than walking by yourself hahah at least thats what i think. Beauty? first decide if you need to conceal imperfections (acne, scars, rosasea) or you like your complexion. If you have imperfections start out with an oil-free foundation that is one shade lighter than your skin tone. Next, get yourself solid powder in your skin tone. Never ever use the sponge they give you with the solid powder, just throw it out. You need to get a big blush brush from a beauty outlet and apply the powder by making little circle motions all over your face, staying away from your eyelashes and eyebrows. If you dont have imperfections on your face, skip the foundation step. Next, pick color for your cheeks. If you have a light or pale skin tone pick a rosy pink solid blush. If you are olive or tan, pick a bronze solid blush. still, throw out the sponge and use a separate big blush brush. Again, make little circles that go from your cheek bones up to the ends of your eyebrows. kind of like the letter L. For your eyes, if you have thin or short eyelashes, invest in some false eyelashes. There really is no need for eyeshadow or eyeliner if you have good eyelashes. Use a thickening and lengthening mascara, even on false lashes. On your eyelids, brush on a color that is 3 shades darker than your skin tone just to the crease and no further. Use a teeth whitener like Crest Whitestrips, i find that even if you have crooked teeth, if they are very white it takes all the attention off of the crookedness. For your hair, go with your natural color because eyebrows that dont match your hair makes you look tacky. what were going for is classy. If you want to be blonde, add thin blonde highlights, nothing chunky. If you want to go darker, dye your hair darker, and fill in your eyebrows with a matching color. I could go forever about hair, if you want advice for your hair just email me. Attitude? just be yourself. when you give yourself a makeover and think you look great it automatically gives you this kind of attitude that i guess barbie would have. Do whatever it takes to make you feel glamorous and you will act like barbie without even noticing it! hahaha. Ok hope you liked my advice, love, kriss

Bleached blonde hair, a fake tan, pink lipstick and a perfect body.

did you know that its impossible for barbie to be a real person? its impossible for someone to have her meausurements, human size. if that makes sense.��-Blonde Hair-Flawless face- Thin Body

let me give you a tip.. i may only be 13 but no one needs to have a perfect body to have a pefect life. im not going to say looks dont matter because they do in some cases, but they are not everything.

two words..................... plastic surgery.