Monday, July 23, 2007

Need to loose weight!!!weight watchers points for nursing mom? -

Hi my baby is 4 months old and I want to start loosing weight. I am currently nursing him and will be for the next 5 months. I heard that the only safe diet for me right now is weight watchers. I have reached my highest weight at 230 and hate the way I look.My clothes don t fit me and I stay home because I can t stand the way people look at me. I have to do something about it and I don t want to stop nursing. I can t afford to go to meeting or get a gym membership.I don t like fruits and can t just eat more veggies and meat. I am a wife and mother of 3 boys and can t cook a different meal for myself. I was wondering if anybody knew how many points I can eat a day and if anybody knows where I can get the points online for free. Please don t abuse me with words. if you have nothing positive to say keep your opinions to yourself. Any weight loss tips are welcome

Here is how you figure out how many points you get a day:1. Are you female?- score 2 Male?- score 8 A nursing mom?- score 12 2. How old are you? 17-26- score 4 27-37- score 3 38-47- score 2 48-58- score 1 over 58- score 0 3.What do you weigh? Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds. (for example, if you weight 199, you will add 19 to your score) 4. How tall are you? Under 5��1- score 0 5��1-5��10- score 1 Over 5��10- score 2 5. How do you spend most of your day? Sitting down? score 0 Occasionally sitting? score 2 Walking most of the time? score 4 Doing physically hard work most of the time? score 6I would estimate that you get about 41 or 42 points a day. (Of course I don t know all of these answers for you, but I made an educated guess.)Here is a link where you can easily find out how many points something is worth:��It isn t a list, but instead you enter in how many calories, fat grams, and dietary fiber grams there are and it will tell you how many points it is. A big part of Weight Watchers is exercise, so even if you can t afford to go to a gym, try and take a 30 minute walk every day. I wish you the best of luck!

That s not true! Hurry and email me back and tell me where u live my sister just had twins and has been on advocare it works amazing I can tell u it is completely safe for u to do while your nursing!!!