Friday, July 13, 2007

Ok.i need some serious weight loss tips? -

like i wanna keep my butt and my thighs but i wannna lose some weight in the stomach area can anyone help me?please!

do about 500 crunches every other day and have some whey protien after that to turn it into muscle. =] seriously it works!

I have lost 40 lbs. in 3 months and I know this will work. Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, eat your last meal 2-3 hours before you go to sleep. Do not starve yourself or your body will go into survival mode where anything you eat will be turned into FAT. This will help you a lot but if you want more results you can exercise 3-4 days a week, include weight training and especially cardio (walking especially running). If you set your mind to lose the weight you will lose it and when you start seeing how good you look you ll want to keep going.Good Luck

Most people when they think they are hungry, they are actually thirsty. So when you are hungry, drink a cup of water and wait a half an hour and if you are still hungry, eat moderate meal.

Exercises: Run, do some bleacher drills, tread mill, sit-ups, twisting crunches, or squats. I teach the girls weight lifting team and whoo! Great results!!Diet: For weight loss; less pasta and bread, more protein and spicy foods. Helped me lose 20 lbs my wrestling season with the exercise.

when you lose weight fat loss happens all over, you can t spot reduce but you can choose which parts you want to sculpt (strength train), but to make this simple yet complex the only way and I mean the ONLY way to lose weight is calories in vs calories burned.

to lose weight in only ur stomach area do CRUNCHES and SITUPS. also eat healthy, only fruits and vegetables and DONT drink soda.. you can get Abs in 2 weeks :) good luck!! the hardest part is actually putting this into action haha

About twice a year, I have to go on a simple diet that usually works for me within 2 weeks...I cut out all dairy products, and sweet drinks, like cokes, and tea. That s it!

OK.. here it goes... you can eat a little(here in the philippines there is sotanghon lite.. which is good for dieting)... then jogging outside.... exercise....

Cut out sweets, walk like 2-3 miles a day and limit your portion sizes