Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!? -

PHYTOLACCA BERRY TABLETS its Homeopathic, its a 100% effective Cure to Obesity, its 100% Safe to take, 100% safe from side effects, 100% assurity of causing No Complications.For more you can browse through my previous answers and you will find all the information you need on this both In favour of it and against it. :-). I have answered this so many times. just search for PHYTOLACCA BERRY on yahoo answers and you will finf them.You are free to make a decision. :-) ! I have given you the best answer, Now its upto you. Take care and God Bless you !

Hi, I can help you. I am a personal trainer and a bodybuilder with 25 years experience. Please contact me at dcprice1@shaw.ca Thanks.neXgen bodysculpting

track everything even if its just the one square of choc or a handful of nuts it soon adds up !

have a reason before you eat a food that is mostly carbs, even if your reason is that you want a sugar buzz.

drink lots of water.

Stop eating all forms of animal fat. Only eat wholemeal bread, no more than 4 slices a day. Do not eat white bread, pastry, cakes or biscuits. No sugar! Eat plenty of vegetables with chicken or fish. Remember that you need 3x veg to 1 potion of fish/chicken + potatoes or rice for energy. Eat fruit for energy it lasts longer than sugar.This diet may seem boring but with the use of herbs and spices its satisfying.I have found that most ready made foods are addictive and dull the taste buds quite dramatically.Once your system has been cleared of junk food you will begin to enjoy this diet.

Hi, I have been a personal trainer and a bodybuilder for 25 years. Do you want to lose fat, tone up or build muscle mass? I can help you. I have trained professional athletes in Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, Canada National Downhill Ski Team as well as numerous bodybuilders. I have also helped many 100��s of people lose weight, tone up and get into great shape again. I just had one client lose 95 lbs. I have developed an excellent, easy to follow diet exercise plan that will help you achieve your goals. I can offer my plan to you for only $20.00 US. Cash or money orders only please. And I am David Price, 2177 �C 6th Avenue, Trail, BC, Canada, V1R3B8.Please include your age, whether you are male or female, height, bodyweight and your goals.I will also offer you free consultation via messenger or e-mail to help you along to achieve your goals. I look for ward to hearing from you. Take care.Sincerely,David Price

Eat less, exercise more. It s not rocket science.

Avoid carbs like the plague, don t eat in the evenings - at all, and drink lots and lots and lots of water.Take every little opportunity to be more active - stairs instead of lift, doing the housework as quickly as possible, etcAnd try not to think of yourself as losing weight - instead think that you re changing your habits.Good luck!

get a divorce.........the weight dropped off me

Eat small meals throughout the day, every 2-3 hours. At each meal, consume a source of protein and moderate your amount of fat. Consume carbohydrates based on the energy requirements of what you ll be doing in the next 2-3 hours...so if you ll be sitting in a chair for the next few hours, consume little or no carbohydrates.

stop eating when you re 80 % full. Dont wait for the buttons to start popping. And excercise of course. Its important to break into a sweat every now and then.

Eat more and exercise more

If you lose weight too quickly and don t build muscle, you might weigh less on the scales because you have lost muscle, but you could actually have a higher body fat percentage! To avoid this, never lose more than 2lb per week, include weight training in your workouts and eat plenty of good proteins such as lean meat, poultry, eggs and oily fish, as well as keeping bad carbs to a minimum and eating plenty of fresh fruits/vegetables and wholemeal foods as a source of good carbs. Good luck!

dont use butter or spread on a sandwich, use skimmed milk, only drink diet drinks a bulk out all your meals with veg and less meat

Eat less and do a bit of walking.

Stop eating pies, get down the gym, plenty of cocaine to supress appetite, stop eating...

Make sure that you drink 2 litres of water per day - this reduces swelling/ Bloating due to water retention and also ensures that your brain does not confuse Hunger with Thirst so you will eat only what you need and not over indulge

Cut off a limb, but dont eat it...

avoid sugar (the kind in fizzy drinks sweets cakes etc, not fruit) and also white grains which is basically sugar too. It makes your blood sugar spike.(so replace white bread with wholegrain, white rice with brown rice, white potatoes with sweet potatoes/yams)AMAZING you can see results in one day as you get less puffy and bloated.

Being in love, truely, deeply often ....weight just dropped off of me like a stone. That was then this is now.......what was that you said about needing to lose weight?Ah, those teenage years!

Try this it was invented by a dietitian for obese people who need an operation in two weeks time.There is enough for one week so freeze half freshly made to last the week.I cheated and did it for a whole month every other month went from a 40in waist to a 32in without to much effort.Operation SoupIngredients.3 large onions1 large or two small green peppers1 bunch of celery? head of green cabbage1 leek2 tin chopped tomatoes1 packet of French onion soup (any brand)3 vegetable stock cubes (I use oxo)Cut all vegetables into bite size pieces if your not going to liquidise. Place all in a large pot add enough water to cover. Simmer until vegetables are cooked add more water if necessary.NOTETo be eaten as a two meal replacement (largest and the smallest).You can still have a light lunch or light evening meal.Should not exceed 5 days at a time and 10 days a month.You will pass more water so make sure you keep up your water intake.

Drink WaterAvoid Aspartame.

Don t buy so much food. If you have to for family, tell them as soon as you get in from shopping what is theirs (put yours in a different cupboard). Then if you take theirs its stealing.

Eat alot of strawberries (fruit) instead of snacks.They are a speed food that speeds up your metabolism and encourages your body to burn fat faster!!!!Get eatin straws girl!!

have your tonsils out i guarantee you wont eat any think more than yogurt for a week or 2

walk fast everywhere it is proven to make you lose weight unlike other methods which make you form hard muscles which in turn makes you put on weight

Eat small portions of food (size of a clenched fist) at 6 regular intervals during the day until 5 pm do not eat after this as the body is less active and will not burn off the caleries eaten.Obviously the food portions should be healthier than what you may normally have, and you need to excercise too.When hungry in the evening sip plenty of water.

If you do work and you are sitting in the office whole day, I may advice you to drink as much coffee as you can but not with sugar, if you can t drink coffee without sugar than you can try saccharin. I tried this myself and lost around 10 pounds in 1 month, my weight was around 100 pounds, now it s 90. Also try not to eat bread.

Thats easy. No food after 7pm. Also, If you are a drinker give it up for a while and you will amazed at the difference

Eat all your meals with chop sticks, takes you longer to eat therefore you might get so frustrated you ll give up and not eat all of it!If you cant resist something sweet, put a curly wurly in the freezer and have that for dessert- lasts ages and better than eating cake or trifle or something!