Monday, August 13, 2007

Age 14 weight loss tips please? -

I am 14, 5 6, and 190 lbs. I m so tired of being fat. It makes me feel horrible about myself. I d like to lose at least 30lbs. I know pretty much the only healthy way to do it is diet and exercise, but does anyone have any tips? I ve been trying to go out on walks every night and play DDR, but I can t seem to keep it up. How can I force myself to start exercising every day?Also, I don t usually have snacks during the day, but I do usually have dessert. Is this bad? Thanks to anyone who helps! I appriciate it.

Hi there,Well, being 14, you definitely have age on your side. From past experience, I can say it was always easier to lose weight in my teens, than my twenties or my thirties. I yo-yo dieted for many years, losing and gaining 30 or 40 pounds. I often hated myself and the bad self-image I had affected everything around me. When I turned 30, I finally found out how to keep my weight stable, while still enjoying life and not being a slave to exercise. I have maintained my weight now for 5 years. You can be healthy again. Here s how:First, go to the doctor and get a physical. Get your thyroid gland tested - ask for T3, T4 and TSH test to be performed for this, not just TSH. The doctor will know what you are talking about. Your thyroid gland regulates your metabolism, so if it s underactive, it will cause you to gain weight.Next, when you find that there is no medical problem causing you to gain weight, you will need to make some radical changes in your lifestyle. You are not going to diet, but instead change your way of eating, exercising and thinking.Breakfast - YOU HAVE TO EAT IT!!!! 80% of fat people don t eat breakfast and 80% of skinny people do. This doesn t mean a large muffin and a coke, either. The best thing you can eat for breakfast is fresh fruit. Have as much as you want!I eat four or five pieces of fruit sometimes.For the rest of your meals and snacks (yes, snacking is good) there are a few things to remember:No refined (white) sugar. When you eat it, it just makes you even more hungry!Little or no processed foods. This means eat FRESH foods, especially fresh vegetables - organic if you can. Start reading the labels on boxes and cans if you are going to eat what s in them. Usually, if you can t pronounce it, you don t want to eat it. I could literally write a book about this, but fortunately, someone already did. It s called, SkinnyBitch and it s written by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. It will really change your way of thinking.As for exercise, find something you like to do. Anything! If you are going to do it an hour a day, 3-5 times a week, you better enjoy it, right? Try to lift some weights, too. This will burn a lot of calories and help keep your bones strong.One more thing, try not to lose more than 10 pounds a month. No starvation!!!! You just wreck your metabolism!You can do this. You don t have to feel horrible about yourself. Remember that it s YOUR body and YOU are the only person who controls how it looks. By this summer, you can be in a bathing suit, feeling pretty hot!Good luck!

i have just the thing for you here you go good luck!!YOU MUST DRINK 5 X 8OZ GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAY.THE DIET MUST BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY TO LOSE 10LBS IN 3 DAYS.DAY 1BREAKFASTBlack coffee/tea, ? grapefruit, 1 slice toast, 2 spn of peanut butter or small tin baked beans.LUNCHBlack coffee/tea, 4 oz tuna, 1 slice toast.DINNER2 Slices any cold meat, 1 cup string beans, 4oz beetroot, 1 small apple, 4oz vanilla ice cream.DAY 2BREAKFASTBlack coffee/tea, 1 egg, 1 slice toast, ? banana.LUNCHBlack coffee/tea, 4oz cottage cheese, 5 saltina crackers.DINNER2 Slices any cold meat, 4oz broccoli, 2oz carrots, ? banana, 4oz vanilla ice cream.DAY 3BREAKFASTBlack coffee/tea, 5 saltina crackers, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 1 small apple.LUNCHBlack coffee/tea, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice toast.DINNER4oz tuna, 4oz beetroot, 4oz cauliflower, ? melon, 4oz vanilla ice cream.THIS DIET WORKS ON A CHEMICAL BREAKDOWN AND IS PROVEN. DO NOT MIX OR SUBSTITUTE ANY OF THE ABOVE FOODS. SALT PEPPER CAN BE USED BUT NO OTHER SEASONING.THIS DIET IS TO BE USED 3 DAYS AT A TIME. IN 3 DAYS YOU WILL LOSE 10LBS. AFTER 3 DAYS OF DIETING YOU CAN EAT NORMALLY BUT REMEMBER NOT TO OVERDO IT. YOU CAN LOSE UP TO 40LBS IN A MONTH IF YOU STICK TO IT.TOAST MUST BE DRY. NO BUTTER OR MARGE.SALTINA CRACKERS ARE TUC OR RITZ.

Try jogging for 30 min every other day. That way you will be able to keep it up. if you excersice everyday you will end up giving up after a couple of weeks. Consistency is the key to losing fat. Also the most you can hope to loose in a week is about 2 pounds. More than that is probably unhealthy. Don t trust the scale too much.YOU CAN T LOOSE 10LBS IN 3DAYS. WITHOUT PUTTING YOURSELF IN SERIOUS RISK

You are on the right track, just try and cut out the desserts every day, but don t deprive yourself completely, that never works! You have to be patient to see results, I know it s hard, but they will come! Also, I was never somebody who liked exercise either, and the only advice I have is just do it, even when you don t feel like it and over time it will become part of your routine and you might even look forward to it (like I do now). Also, you don t need to exercise EVERY DAY, 3-5 days a week is enough. You need some days off for your body to recuperate. However, nothing wrong with trying to add some more activity into daily life: take stairs, walk when you can! Good luck :)

Exercise is good. Taking walks is excellent. Yes, cut the dessert and eat a fruit instead. You re doing everything right all you need is to have a little more of patience. Pretty soon you ll see the results. Good luck!