Saturday, August 25, 2007

Any good weight loss tips? -

I am 6��2���, have broad sholders, my weight is 185 lbsI have been trying to drop weight for around 2 months now and its not really working all that greatI run a little over 2 miles every day, watch what I eat with focus on vegis and fruits, do both situps and pushups and I am seeing very little or no resultsI am unsure what to do at this point I am still running and what not because I like to but I would really enjoy some resultsany advice would be just great

I agree with the other comments that 185lbs at 6 2 is not a bad weight. I would guess you are unhappy with your body composition. Probably have more body fat than you like. Try these tips:1. start lifting weights to build your muscle mass. The basics at first will do; Bench press, arm curls, arm extensions and squats. This will help increase your metabolism and help change your body composition.2. instead of running 2 miles everyday. Run for 30 minutes ever other day. Usually fat burning starts after you have been doing cardio for 20 minutes and giving your body a day off will help the body recuperate.3. Don t starve yourself. Eat 5 small meals spaced evenly throughout the day. Make sure to include protein so when you do lose weight it won t be muscle. This will also increase your metabolism.

the dip bar works wonders,lift weights normally and run a lap then drop and do 25 push-ups repeatedly until you ve completed 10 laps,250 push-ups,50dips,50 pull-ups and top it off with 5 sets of sit-ups.

You shouldn t lose weight because you are natural for your size like i am. I am 6 1 and weigh 200.

I can understand you want to improve on what you have now. GREAT!You know we all have room for some improvement in our lives.Sound like your weight is fine, what I suggest is to change up your workout a little. I have a great resource that will help you sculpt your body. It will assist you in the areas that you want to address.Head over to: make it a habit to visit our blog often at: can really see a difference when you add this type of workout to what you are already doing. Sometimes it just takes a small adjustment in what you are doing to make a big difference.Many of the people that I work with on a regular bases have seen exciting results in the way they look and feel about themselves after making these changes.I really hope this helps you out, I know how you feel. Use these links and see if they are a good fit for you!

I d just stick with running, you might be building muscle with your other workouts.

at 6 2 on 185, you shouldnt wanna lose weight, you should gain weight, look at proffesional wrestler john cena for example, Hes 6 1 245 pounds and looks great

Exercising is all very well, but you need to watch the calories you take in. Losing weight is the delicate balance between burning more calories each day than you eat/drink. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories to burn just 1lb of fat! Try to cut ALL the junk out of your diet, and get down to 1200 calories a day. Don t eat any less than this number, because your body will go into starvation mode and start storing anything you put into, INCLUDING fat! So eat plenty of veggies, fruit, lean meat and fish, in 5 small meals daily. Watch out for fruit juice though - it can contain a lot of sugar to help sweeten it, especially citrus juices. Instead, drink lots and lots of water. Drink more than you think you should. It helps weight loss no end, and also has the added benefit of making you feel fuller for longer. It can also help get rid of bad toxins in your body, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Keep up the exercise, cut those calories and you should be seeing results in no time!Hope that helps.