Friday, August 24, 2007

Diet Tips HELP ANYONE!!!? -

Hi! I m trying to lose weight and I m good with knowing what makes you lose weight and what you should do but I m wondering if anyone has any fast weight loss tips??? Thank you!

These worked for me:Workout 30 to 60 minutes a dayDrink plenty of water to keep your stomach filledCut out sugars, fried foods, fatty foods and fast foodEat plenty of veggies and fruitsLimit your carb intake

I started on Herbalife program. I lost 5 lbs in the first week. I just had a baby 3 months ago and I now weigh 10 lbs less then I did when I got pregnant. I had a healthy pregnancy and was not sick. I started the program about a month ago. I feel great, I can keep up with my little ones, It has boosted my metabolism, which is great b/c I don t have time to workout like I want. If I had the time to workout I probably would have lost more. check out the following

Honestly, Fast is not the answer. The quicker you take it off, the quicker it will come back on. Long term weight loss should be your primary goal. If you are getting ready for a vacation, it will depend on your time frame. How much and how fast do you want to lose it?

Here are the 10 tips I used to lose 25 pounds through hard work, determination, and a bit of luck...

Try eating foods that have protein and low in carbs, also cut on sugar and sweets. Do exercises at least 4 times a week, if possible in the morning. this should help, good luck.

This has worked for me before. Eat a grapefruit before each meal, it really works I lost a bunch of weight doing that.

there are no fast tips cept eat less and or work out more