Friday, August 24, 2007

Help, I need some weight loss tips? -

Since June, i have lost 107 pounds. I know, I know. That is a lot in a small amount of time. Anyway, I have been on a plateau for about 2 weeks. Any ideas how to get off of this plateau? I drink 12 servings of water a day, I have just started Curves, what else can I do? I am eating 20 grams of fat and 30 grams of fiber a day. My calorie intake is about 1500 daily.

Increase your weight resistance training. When you build muscle your metabolism increases and will help you get through your plateauAlso see what simple things you can leave out in your diet. Most people can cut 100-200calories a day and not even notice it. ex: (the diff between ordering a medium to a small)

Lets put it straight. Losing weight is not that hard, You will never hear me say that it is. All it takes is dedication, motivation and hard work !--There are some fairly simple changes that will greatly improve your chances of weight loss success. Check this out to loss weight, best, most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply eat right and exercise. Good diet, minimize saturated fat, use monounsaturated fat-- Always check in gradients of everything you are buyingRelaxation, stress and strain never allow people to be slim.

You can get all the infomation you need from the Weightloss Review site, they have complete review for all pills, programs, tips and forum for you to get a complete picture of what you should do.listen from the expert rather than wasting your time try out different recommendation��you can lot of independent review of the diet pill and diet program before you make your choice

I have helped many people get past thier plateaus! There is alot more information on the subject than I could include here so I will give you a couple of links that have some great information on how your body works. After that, contact me with any questions and I can fill in the blanks.

You only just started Curves, stick with it and see how it goes.