Friday, August 24, 2007

I want to loose 5 pounds and i weigh 130 lbs? -

I know that i am not too big but i just want to loose few pounds for the summer.What kind of diet would you recomend?Or what weight loss tips do you know?

me too! well...ive already lost 5 from 135-130 and all i did was ONLY eat when i was hungry and worked out for about 1 hour at least 4 times a week. i did the elliptical for 30 mins and that burned about 400/500 calories then lifted weights to look more toned. i also stopped drinking so much soda. hope this helps!

ok im a wrestler and what i do is vry intence all you have to do is put on a 4 shirts and a trashbag and 1 more shirt and do intensive 2 to 3 hour workouts

pound the pavement --- if you can --- if not get on a treadmill .good luck .

idk. im trying to gain weight for the summer