Saturday, August 11, 2007

My weight is 145 and i wanna get down to 110 before my trip what is the best diet to go on? -

i would like to know about a diet that can make me loose weight fast . i m going to work out to but i need some kind of weight watcher food. i need to eat right while i work out. i ve been doing this work out by pilates and it s called the bean and its a chair and you do work outs on it. i m sure people has seen it on tv because thats where i found out about it. i put all the weight on with each of my three kids. i call my fat baby fat and i want it gone so bad. so please any helpful weight loss tips would be really great. my husband and i are going to the bahamas and i want to wear a bikini. thankful i don t have stretch marks other wise i would have to find a way to get rid of those to.

GO OFF OF SUGAR!!!! including diet sugars...Low Carbs and High Protein...and ll drop it fast and healthy. I ve been averaging 4lbs a week since the New Year...good luck.

stay away from diet pills they will make you better but once you get off of them you will be even heavier than you were befor try the low carbs diet. you eat 5 small meals a day on low carbs and try to excersize as well. this will help you and its the healthy way


the south beach diet worked 4 me i lost 25 pounds on it

just eat healthy and exercise