Friday, August 24, 2007

Poly Cystic Ovary RECIPES WEIGHT LOSS TIPS desperate help me chickies? -

I know about low gi and excerisize so pls dont tell me to go run a mile everyday...just wanted some really yummy but low fat n carb recipes that will help me drop kgs quick and easy....i need 2 loose about 30kgs so i want it to work fast otherwise i get depressed and give up. Yes i know if it works fast its not as good but if i dont see results i get upset.I keep hearing about all these great soups and shakes that you can make that are miricle cures when u mix certain fruit and veges together someone out there knows the recipes so please give me them instead of keeping them secret you skinny moles hahahah.Come on girls its mega mega hard to shift KGs with the horrid disorder i need something ASAP i wana live a normal life again instead of covering up and staying home cos i have bulge.Any tips would be much appreciated....Again ill say dont tell me anything like excersize i know all about that and i walk and ride my horse regually and havent shifted a kg so need something more dramatic.

It s not so much the fat you need to worry about or calories as it is the Carbs. You need to look up the glycemic index to help you with this. Certain veggies and fruits are high in carbs that we don t need. Cut out all breads or limit your bread intake. For instance, they make a low carb bread that has 6 net carbs, only eat a slice. That means for sandwichs, toast etc. Eat small frequent meals and make sure you measure out your food. Portion control is the next big thing in this. You can pretty much eat anything. But it has to be with in reason! Stay away from startch foods, to high in carbs. Making small adjustments to your diet can help you stay focused and help you from getting discouraged.If you have any other ? s please feel free to ask away.