Friday, August 17, 2007

Weight loss tips? Anything will help!! ? -

Hey,My mum just began on a diet a month or two ago and shes lost 11kgs.She begins the day by eating a small portion of bran flakes. High in fibre to keep you going throughout the day, rather than toast with sweet toppings and cereal with sugar. This only releases your energy super fast and makes your more hungrier earlier.Lunch times she tries to eat some fruits or a salad sandwich. Remember just tiny portions.Dinner is always whatever we are eating but again, a smaller portion.When she in hungry in the day, she may have a snack of two vita-wheat crackers with a slice of cheese in the middle. This gives you energy for HOURS.My mum had a calcium deficiency problem and had begun on higher strength calcium pills when she started her diet.It had been proved that people with regular healthy rates of calcium are less hungry and find it easier to lose weight, sompared to those with less calcium in their system.Also, you need to try walking as much as you can. Its not about pumping so hard at the gym, or running for hours, just buy a pedometer (step counter)They fit on your waistband and you forget they are there. The average person needs something like 7000steps a day to maintain their wieght, and 10,000 to lose wieght. Its a great insentive to get up and get moving more throughout the day,Its not really a hard task to complete 10,000 steps a day. I catch a bus to and fromm school and sit and do my hoomework for the rest of the night and i manage to do it easy.I hope ive given you some ideas to work on!Good luck,Kelsey.

When you are eating, always pay attention to the slightest feeling of fullness, then stop when you feel it. Get used to do this and soon you wont need to try and lose weight because your body will find it s natural set point. Also, always make it a habit to not feel guilty for eating something fattening, because guilt causes the body to retain more weight than what you have eaten would cause without the guilt. Guilt tends to cause a person to feel more depressed which then causes the person to eat more trying to find a way to feel better. Its a vicious cycle. It s better just to let go of the fact that you ate something not that great for you and go on and eat normally after that. It s not really about what you eat as much as it is about what you don t eat. Try to throw in nutritious foods as often as possible and remember to close the gate at the moment you feel that feeling in your tummy which says that s enough for now. Oh...and try to do something physically extra that raises your heart rate a bit more each day...that will make you feel each day as if you accomplished something good for yourself and the metabolism will respond favorably naturally.

an old answer is healthy foods. I seem to have the best luck eating just fruits for one of my meals. Another way my mom had luck with weight loss was eating low salt/butter popcorn and a glass of slim fast for supper. The popcorn was filling, and good :) and the slim fast provided vitamins and milk. Of course you should eat a good lunch then. Don t eat too late in the day either then go to bed.

Eat a well-balanced diet. for exercises run, dance, walk, jump rope for arobics, sit ups, crunches, push ups, lunges, planks for strength. and stretches for warm ups and cool down. do some from every catagory. This is what I do a few times a week and I already feel better. It may take a while to see big results though. Dont turn to pills. theyll help for a while but youll gain the weight back later

100 situps and pushups before bed and when you wake up.:)