Saturday, August 18, 2007

Weight loss tips??? (I need to take it off already!)? -

Hi guys. I was wondering if any of you had any weight loss tips for me. I have changed my diet and I started exercising 3-4 times a week but I m barely loosing weight. Do I need to exercise more? Does any one have any suggestions or tips that worked for them? I am currently 185 lbs and need to get down to at least 150 lbs as fast as I can for health reasons. Thanks in advance!

Weight loss is really quite simple; there are only two things you need do to reach your goals:1. Restrict daily calories to 1600 calories per day. By increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, you will be able to keep your intake at this level without feeling hungry or uncomfortable.2. Exercise for one hour a day, every single day. It can be anything from pilates to just plain walking, but do it. One hour. Every day.This is a pretty simple recipe for weight loss, but it works. It has worked for me; I have lost 62 pounds this way. It will work for you if you commit to it and stick to it.Good luck!

I know this is going to sound cliche, but water and a food diary. There are a few online you can download for free. First you have to find out your daily calorie needs. By recording everything that you eat in your diary, it helps you to stay within your limit.

Try Weight Watchers or another group program like that. Maybe your new diet isn t good enough or isn t right for you. Also, just keep persisting, and sooner or later, there will be at least a little change.

Have a look for article: How to Naturally Lose Weight Fast - 5 Secrets

Step One Many think that the battle to lose weight is always an up-hill struggle, but in reality it doesn��t have to be. There are several small yet effective changes you can make in your diet and daily activities that are very easy to incorporate into your lifestyle. By just using a few of the following tips, you can be well on your way to taking it off ad keeping it off. The first step is to target your eating habits. Here are a few things you can do to jump-start your permanent weight loss. 1.Eat 6 smaller meals a day as opposed to 3 larger meals. This keeps your metabolism up and your belly full 2. Substitute mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based dressings with condiments like mustard or extra virgin olive oil. EVOO tastes great in tuna fish and has a fraction of the saturated fat. 3. Eliminate fried foods/fast food from your diet or eat very sparingly 4. Keep junk food out of the house. Substitute fresh fruit and vegetables. If you don��t keep junk in the house, you��re less likely to cheat. 5. Pay attention to portion sizes. Dividing your plate into 4 visual quarters and only eating 3 of those quarters is a good way to start. Another helpful tool is an all-natural supplement called Hoodia Gordonii. It��s very easy to find Hoodia in patches and pill form. Step Two The next step is to start incorporating an exercise routine you��ll stick with on a regular basis. It only takes 3 weeks (21 days) to form a habit, so if you can make the commitment to at least 3 weeks, it��s all down hill from there! Losing weight and exercise don��t have to be boring. 6. If you can��t do one 30-minute sitting of cardio a day, try doing three 10 minute sessions instead (a short walk, or going up and down stairs would work) 7. Get the whole family involved and take family walks after dinner. You��ll be spending quality time with the ones you love and getting the health benefits of walking all at the same time. 8. Doing simple chores around the home also burn calories. Washing your car, pulling weeds, and even vacuuming all count as calorie-burning activities 9. Participate in physical activities with friends or children. Kicking a ball around, riding a bike, or roller-blading are all good examples. This will also give you a chance to get outside and enjoy fresh air. Step Three Some planning also needs to be done in order for the weight to stay off. There are also some all-natural products you can use to help expedite your weight loss. 10. Plan meals for the week in advance. This prevents you from making impulse buys or heading to the drive through, which 9 times out of ten is not good for you 11. Hoodia Gordonii is an all-natural weight loss supplement made from a cactus plant that has been shown to help people watch their portion sizes. You should plan on taking this twice a day. 12. Drinking green tea can also help. This contains EGCG, an antioxidant which has been proven to increase metabolism. Who knew it could be so easy! 13. Plan to REWARD yourself with non-food items. Buying some new clothes or planning an outing with friends are just a couple of ways you can do this. You can see from the above tips that permanent weight loss is not out of reach. By making and sticking with these small changes for at least 3 weeks, you will start to shed pounds and feel sexier in no time. Whether it��s cutting out fried foods, starting to take daily walks, or starting an all-natural supplement like Hoodia Gordonii to decrease cravings, taking the first steps to losing your excess weight will be a cinch, and it won��t be long before you start to reveal a healthier, sexier, happier new you.