Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What are some random weight loss tips? -

What are some random weight gain tips

Hi !Weight Loss Tips :No sugarEat lots of fruits and vegetablesNo processed foodsEat lean meatsEat low-fat dairyEat LegumesDrink 1 gallon of water per dayWorkout doing cardio more days of the week than strength trainingWeight Gain Tips:Eat foods that are high in carbohydratesStrength train more days of the week than cardio

Eat less.Exercise more.Drink lots of water, it fills you up and often people mistake mild dehydration / thirst for hunger.Add lots of ice to cold drinks, the cold reduces your core body temperature and your metabolism has to work harder to stay worm.Add chilli (lots) to your meals as the heat makes you burn off calories.Walk during your lunch break.Pre-plan everything you will eat / drink.Eat meals off smaller plates.Put a photo of yourself when slim /what weight you want to be on the fridge so any time you`re tempted you have to go past that first.Brush your teeth lots - who wants to ruin that fresh, minty taste?Only eat when truly hungry, not because you`re emotionally needy.Replace white pasta, rice, bread with wholegrain.Put your cutlery down after every mouthful and chew each mouthful 20 times.Remember, it took time to get fat and it will tae time to lose it, too.

Eat healthy foods (lean protein, fruits and veggies, whole grain products)Drink lots of waterExercise regularly (at least 5 days a week, at least 1 hr a day)Keep calories over 1200/dayEat 4 - 6 small meals instead of 3 larger onesMake your exercise a mix of cardio and strength trainingGood luck!