Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Any of you have any simple weight loss tips? not like 40 pounds, just like 5-10..thanks!? -

im 12 years old, 5,4 ish and bout 110 pounds. in 2 years, once im a freshmen in HS i plan on joining this dance team/pep rally thing that they do at all the big football games and so on.i know im probably gonna came some more weight by then so i just wanna know some basic weight loss tips to get my stomach less squishy and my legs too. i dont wanna be ending up like one of those stick girls with no chest. thanks:)

Try the Lil Jack work out�� it works big time

Whatever you do, DON T try any weird medications to try to lose weight. You re young enough to lose weight easily and naturally if you do the right things. Just start exercising and watching what you eat, and you should lose five or ten pounds easily. By exercising I mean devoting an hour a day to something active: running, biking, playing a sport, even dancing - anything to increase the number of calories you burn in a day. For watching what you eat, don t give up your favorite foods, just watch how much of them you eat, and try to go for healthier foods if possible. If you just devote yourself to these two things (and I mean it. No skipping exercises unless you re sick or something.), then you should see results within a few weeks. Small results, but still results. Try it. It worked for me. I ve lost about 18 pounds in 3 months, and I ve built a lot of muscle in the process, which actually weighs more than fat does. Good luck!

Hi jenny I ve got just what you need!!Block up to 500 calories per mealLab tests show that one 3-tablet serving has a powerful carb-blocking effect. This suggests that it may help block up to 500 carb calories when consumed with a high-carb meal.Carb Blocker 2 * Is a gentle way to help control calorie absorption from table sugar and starches such as breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, peas, dried beans, and other carbohydrate-rich foods. * Still gives your body the benefit of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in carbohydrate-containing foods. * Provides natural, non-stimulating carbohydrate control. * Helps keep you feeling fuller, longer.

I agree. Don t listen to the spammers at the top. They re just marketers.Make a meal plan for each week and limit the amount of calories you take in each week.Also, join some kind of physical fitness group right now. No matter where you are in school, there s always teams of something. If not, join soccer, baseball or other teams through your community.

If you are looking for fast diet way, you can use my way. I lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks. If you are really serious about diet you must have a look this way. It is fast if you know correct info to do diet. You can find more info at link below.

make a meal plan for each day of the week. and do 30 mins of physical movement a day.

to do it healthy u should only lose about 2 pounds in a week