Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weight loss tips? Please Im desperate =(...? -

So I m feeling really depressed lately and things have just been going down. I cut down all my food and eat so much better already. I hardly eat sweets (if I do it s an apple or jello or pretzels or fiber one bars) and I substituted potato chips for pretzels. I lost about 10 lbs, but I lost a lot of inches. I have been feeling a little more confident because I got my braces off and ppl say I m pretty. But the only people that say that are my family =/. And I want boys to go after me and have just said it s their loss. My grandma told me last night that if I was 20 lbs lighter all the guys would love me. Im also starting to think people (my own dad, my family, my friends) in general would treat me a lot better =(. I have a lot of homework and have to keep my grades up so I don t have much time to exercise. The only exercise I get is for about 40 mins in dance class (PE but dancing) twice a week. Any tips on losing more weight? Please nice answers are needed...I just want to stop crying and to look prettier and I want things to start looking up for me =(advice would be great.

Woah your a fatty arent u jeez size 15 are u a elephant?

your body is no reason to be depressed. everyone is beautiful in there own way, and you will find that one boy if you be yourself. Be happy and have pride in who you are. And it takes time to lose weight so just keep on doing what your doing and dont lose it. and reward yourself once and a while. BE HAPPY!!!

if you have a lot of homework, start it as soon as you get home then exercise. you should have time! also, eat a lot of fiber, switch to whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, etc. etc.

Ugh, don t listen to that spammer. Spend some money, get help if you have to, to buy some good running shoes from a sporting goods store, and some stylish sweats or shorts to run in, and run for at least a half-hour each day. Good grades are great, but you have to get some exercise, and getting a workout each day increases your mental acuity anyway. The way busy people usually do this is to get up at the crack of dawn and run then. Modify your diet so pretty much all of your calories come from fruit, vegetables, legumes, and grain, and completely stop eating meat, cheese, potator chips and especially fast food. Don t eat fried food! I promise that if you eat healthier and take up a fairly strenuous activity like running/jogging (it gets SO much easier, fun even, after just a little while-- you just have to keep doing it) that you will look awesome, and feel excellent-- and feeling good is important because a model needs to sell her image, and you can t do that if you re unhealthy and feel like crap. Keep at it-- it takes a little while to get results (well, not really from running-- that pretty much makes you feel good overall really fast) and you ll be like, Holy crap, I feel good. Always have grapes and a big bag of baby carrots in the fridge (and sandwich baggies to pack up), apples and bananas on the shelf, some good nutty bread and light peanut butter in the pantry, and cook up some beans or pea soup for low-fat protein, some good rice for extra fuel. BTW, if you feel like people aren t treating you the way you d like because of the way you look, then they re jerks, to be honest. My advice is intended to help you feel good and healthy.

Diet and exercise if you wanna shed the weight.Some simple tips are too stay away from foods that you know you shouldn t eat. This includes fast food, chips, sweets, etc. Also, try eating more complex carbohydrates like whole grains and oatmeal instead of rice krispies. Some good cereals are multigrain cheerios, total and kashi (not that tasty, though). Look at the nutrition facts and ingredient list when you go shopping.Don t buy anything that has hydrogenated oils. Even partly hydrogenated oils are really bad for you. Eat more fruits and vegetables.Try to eat few carbohydrates at dinner (preferrably none). I.e. A steak and a salad is better than steak and mashed potatoes.

Just keep doing what you were/are doing, and do lots of cardio, like running/jogging, or swimming, in addition to the dance you do.You need to find a better reason to get in shape than to get guys. That s like a guy who gets a six-pack for the sole purpose of getting girls. People who just like someone just because they have a great body are pretty shallow, and not worth it.Advice: Stop crying. If you can lose 10 lbs once, you can do it again. Protip: guys like girls who are confident in themselves. Show everyone that you have confidence in yourself and that you are serious about losing weight, and don t let anyone try to tell you otherwise.

All you have to do is find a way to balance out your time like maybe if you have any tv shows you watch use that time for studying and then you will have more time to exercise. I hope I helped :)

Don t feel about it.This answer selected the best answer three times by asker (yahoo answer)Follow this site more helpful for you.Only home made tips.In addition Jogging swimming best way to reduce weight.Surely You might gain.��

Change your self pitty into fuel.Cut carbohydrates to a maximum of 30 per day for 3 weeks.this will shed a few inches off and pounds.You will feel tired, because now your body will be burning stored fat as energy.ONLY 3 weeks....