Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hectic lifestyle + weight loss? HOW??!? -

I m still in school and have a pretty much packed-to-the-max schedule. I ve always kinda/sorta calorie-counted, but that doesn t seem to work much. People say carbs are the key and to cut back on bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. How can I lose at least 20 lbs with my busy schedule? I m not in charge of what we buy at my house, so please don t suggest that I make suggestions; believe me, thanks, but I ve tried.What are some small weight-loss tips you can give me that work and aren t time-consuming?I don t drink soda too often, and I drink TONS of water. They say stress not enough sleep are a weight-gain factors, but they re inevitable at the moment.Please help my stupid situation before I go crazy just thinking about it. Lol.

The best way for your lifestyle is simple: Every morning when you wake up eat an orange or apple 15 minutes before breakfast. Say for instance you wake up, brush your teeth(I do it prior to eating anything), eat the fruit (any fruit will do), take a shower, get dressed, eat my breakfast. The trick is eating fruits on an empty stomach. Two reasons, if there s nothing in your stomach, you ll digest it faster and start your metabolism, plus you ll send the sugar s up to your brain(which in case you didn t know, works off the sugars, hence necessary in your diet). You ll also notice your stress will recede since you ll think clearer. From there on, try to keep your tank between 1/4 and 3/4 full throughout the day. Don t ever let yourself get too full or too hungry. Lastly, snack on fruits instead of donuts or candy and you ll notice results within 2 weeks. Keep this in mind, eating less is not always the key. Michael Phelps, very well known 8 time gold-medal winner and recently admitted pot smoker, consumes a total of 12,000(that s twelve THOUSAND) calories a day!!! That s equivalent to about what 5 adults should be eating a day.

The portion size it a key factor, eat slowly, eat fiber rich foods, avoid junk food eat low cal low fat snacks and don t allow yourself to get hungry or you may overeat. Any exercise you can fit in is helpful whether it s extra walking on a mall or climbing stairs whatever it is do it.

Even doing 20 push ups and sit ups every morning and night will help a lot. I mean for fitness, even getting up an extra 15 minutes in the morning and going for a mile run. Especially up hills and such. Also, the obvious ones about diet, keep processed foods out of your diet. Dont eat white/refined carbs. limit on butter, mayo, cream-based soups, etc.

limit your sugar and salt intake. consider low calorie snacking. if at all possible eat as much fruit and veggies you can. if you would like to learn more about dieting i have found my alli capsuls work best. not only the pills but their website really educates you and teaches you about weightloss check it out.

Try simple things. Taking the stairs, parking far away, instead of fattening snacks, try fruit. If you really are motivated you will lose it. Trust me. Twenty pounds isn t a lot to lose. You could do it in no time.

I don t really know but I run around from place to place all the time even in my house. Eat fruits a lot too fruits are very tasty. Yum.