Saturday, September 22, 2007

Whats your BEST weight-loss tip? -

I know there are probably about a thousand of these questions on here already, but I really want specifics, no more of that eat healthy, exercise lots crap.What is your BEST weight-loss tip? Either from personal experience or someone you know or word of mouth. I need to lose about 7 or 8 kilos in 10 weeks, and don t tell me its not possible because I know I can do it (or at least close to, anyway!) Can you please help me out?Thanks so much :)

For me, not eating after 7 and ONLY snacking on fruit/vegetables. I would keep a bag of chopped up celery/carrots/broccoli/bell peppers and reach for those whenever I felt like eating something.Good luck!

Well I read this article and it said to take what your eating and break it down into ten parts mentally. Then only eat nine of the ten parts. By ten days you will have only eaten 9 days worth of food. It might take some time but you can still eat what you want :)

it s weird but i look at pictures of anorexic peoplei feel sorry for them but it worksWEIRD

look at this site for more information.

1. You need to exerciseRemember that any really good weight loss program is going to need you to exercise. Any program that says that you do not need to exercise, and you can lose plenty of weight, just by taking their medicine supplements, and miracle cures is definitely a scam. Regular 30 minute sessions, every day is going to show amazingly good results.2. Get rid of all those extra caloriesOf course, the best fat loss diet is going to make sure that you get rid of all those extra calories, and that weight has to be replaced by tough muscle. That can only be done by exercising. Make exercising a fun activity, because if you think that it is a chore which needs to be done, it is going to be extremely boring, because your mind is already made up against it. But if it is something you enjoy, you are going to enjoy doing more of this activity for weight loss.3. Do not look for an excuseIf you happen to be a busy mom or a high-powered executive, you have no excuse not to lose weight, because you are too busy. There are 10 minute workout programs, which are interesting and amusing. So, your weight loss program should have plenty of these power exercises, which should not be a burden upon you.Your best fat loss diet program should have a number of easy to make recipes, which should be fast to cook and good to eat. A monotonous diet is definitely boring and nobody is going to enjoy eating the same old stuff every day. The cuisine should be varied, healthy, tasty, and best of all, should not leave you feeling hungry for more.Your focus should be on staying healthy, and not in becoming as thin as a stick. Fashion ideas of thin is beautiful are causing a lot of eating disorders at the moment. Your job is to find an excellent diet program, which helps you to reduce weight and stay healthy, fit and fine!If you have been struggling achieving your weight loss goals, you might want to switch things around for yourself.Bonus: Tip # 4. Stop starving yourself or limiting yourself on the types of food you can eat!