Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How to lose weight in 1 week? -

I m gonna see my boyfriend very soon, but I gained lot s of weight. How I can lose my weight VERY quickly?

Go anorexic MATH BEHIND THIS THEORY-if you burn 2k KCal a day by just going about your daily activities and you don t take on any calories cause your not eating, you should burn 14000 calories in the week, droping your weight about 17-18 pounds =)on the 7th day, dont drink anything. this will get rid of all that water weight you added. just maksure to pee alotdrink water, eat vitamins and have a lot of self determination. good luck

wow.. my sugestion was a joke, didnt think i would get best answer. LOL SUCKAS. Shoulda said go anorexic Report Abuse

One key factor in losing weight is to boost your metabolism. So, go on a run, pace around, work out lightly while watching tv. Another factor in weight is water. Your body is 90% water, and it tends to retain extra water. So, limit drinks that contain sugar and electrolytes. Water is good for you, so keep drinking it. Also, your metabolism slows down when you get ready to go to sleep, so try to limit your eating after seven. This should be a healthy way to lose weight fast.

Depending on how much weight you need to lose....Realistically you shouldn t expect to lose more than 7-10 pounds in 1 week (if you do it in a healthy way)...In my opinion the fastest way to lose a lot of weight is:a) stop drinking waterb) sweat a lot (lose water weight!)c) eat an appropriate amount of calories (determined by your weight, age and height)d) take a weight loss supplement (my favorite is Hydroxycute) run run run run run run run run!!

Still wondering what to do?well here are some tips in trying how to lose weight in a week.I recommend you to eat 1 can of black beans with no fats,that will get you 25 grams of fiber.You should also eat either 3 bananas or 3 apples a day.That will get you 15 grams of fiber.You might want to try to get 40 grams a day and will push all that waste that is unneeded in your body.You might also not want to eat any fats and junk food because it will mess up your health and your diet.The most important thing you must drink is water.Water can actually make you lose 5 pounds of weight in 3-4 days.Water also causes to burn off even more calories!Now you don t have to go crazy and wasting money in gym equipment or go to the gym every single day!

Best way to lose weight very fast is to lose that extra water weight your body has. It may sound strange but in order to stop your body from retaining that extra liquid is to drink more liquid, (that does not include sodas) check out my sources.

Go to the gym an hour a day, go to Target and get a workout tape, and eat a very strict diet.

look on this website my mom goes on

Um, how much weight are we talking?


Get a b12 shot I lost 8 lbs the first week and 24 lbs in a month